Video Gallery
There are tens of thousands of pictures in OSE photo albums. It is useful to create a Gallery here for visual identification.
Pictures and videos are useful for generating graphics assets, videos, and other communications. With access to these assets - it takes a screenwriter and editor to produce videos. This can happen voluntarily, and we welcome people to do this. For example, the GVCS in 2 Minutes - an early but excellent professional production - was done completely independently by downloading our assets from the web, YouTube, and Vimeo. Or, Reversing the Mississipi included footage downloaded independently from our repositories including OSE YouTube
Washer shelves - [1]
OSE Apprenticeship - [2]
SH4 washer. - [3]
SH4 bifold doors. - [4]
SH4 closet shelves. - [5]
SH4 banister. - [6]
SH4 Garage Door. - [7]
SH5 - [8]
SH4 Stove Hood Vent - [9]
SH4 Dishwasher - [10]
SH4 On-Demand Water Heater - [11]
SH4 Water Heater - [12]
SH4 Induction Cooktop - [13]
SH4 Oven - [14]
Global Transformation - [15]
Kitchen Cabinets - [16]
Curriculum design - [17]
Light Boxes - [18]
SH4 Tub Drain - [19]
SH4 Vinyl Siding. [20]
PV connectors. [21]
Open Source Boat. [22]
SH4 Beadboard + Trim. [23]
SH4 Apertures & penetrations. [24]
SH4 Electrical. [25]
SH4 Doors. [26]
SH4 Water. [27]
SH4 Retaining Wall, Skirt, Driveway, Finish Earthworks. [28]
SH4 Garage Interior + Power Wall. [29]
SH4 Garage Exterior. [30]
SH4 power wall. [31]
SH4 Electrical Grid Hookup. [32]
SH4 sewer. [33]
SH4 water meter. [34]
SH2 shower build. [35]
SH4 door trim painting [36]
SH4 Water, Sewer, Power Hookup [37]
Surveys. [38]
Seed Eco-Home 5. [39]
Bicycling. [40]
SH4 Trim. [41]
Universal rotor. [42]
Microhouse 1 trenching. [43]
SH4 Joists. [44]
SH4 Wire Lengths. [45]
SH4 Plumbing. [46]
Window and door trim assemblies. [47]
SH4 Canopy. [48]
Power Ladder. [49]
SH1 heat pump. [50].
SH1 heat pump. [51].
SH1 heat pump. [52].
SH4 Trellis. [53].
SH4 Roof. Includes drip cap, EPDM, insulation, termination bar, and PV mount. [56]
SH4 PV. [57]
Heat pump Seed Eco-Home 2 install. [58]
Rosebud 2000 SF Savannah 2022. [59]
Rosebud 1300 SF Maysville 2022. AKA Seed Eco-Home 4. [60]
Seed Eco-Home 2 HVAC. [61]
Seed Eco-Home 2 Electrical. [62]
Bath Vent Fan. [63]
Leaks - [64]
Distributed urban gardening - [65]
Seed Eco-Home 2 plumbing system - [66]
Seed Eco-Home 2 water system - [67]
FeF water systems - [68]
CEB floor, Seed Eco-Home - folder - [69]
Land Log folder - [70]
- Rebartrusses.jpg
Rebar Trusses, Google Photos - [71]
CEB 2009-2010. Google Photos - [72]]
CEB 2009-2010. Google Photos - [75]
2010 Compressive Strength Testing. Source -[76]
FSCons presentation, 2009. Source - [77]
Humanity+ Presentation, 2008. Source - [78]
Pre-GVCS Icons, 2009. Source - [79]
The Early Days. Source - [80]
Seed Eco-Home 2
- Parts for construction, building on standard, off-the-shelf parts -
Large Index
- Seed Eco-Home 2 Build Start (SEH 2) [84]
- LifeTrac - [85]
- Microhouse 4 [86]
- Universal Axis [87]
- General Electrical [88]
- SEH2 window and door detail - [89]
- Seed Eco-Home 2 - [94]
- Crazy Machines Sequence - [95]
- Useful Variety pictures and videos - [96]
- Quality videos - [97]
- OBI Modules [98]
- OBI Infographic - [99]
- OBI How We Build - [100]
- OBI Part Library + Pictures [101]
- Reversing the Mississippi - [102]
- Team Pictures
- Rapid-fire stills explaining process - OBI Lightning Fast Instructionals
- How MicroHouse 1 and additions evolved over time - Microhouse 1 Sequence ]
- Instructionals series for the Seed Eco-Home modules- [103]
- Machines and Build Collection - OBI Kickstarter Source - [104]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse - 1911 pictures - [105]
- Summer X Collaborative Video Edit - Collaborative_Summer_X_Edit
- House Interior Pictures - Microhouse (up to 2015)- [106]
- House Evolution Sequence [107]
- Home Asembly Sequence [108]
- Home Expansion Sequence based on Seed Eco-Home 1 - [109]
- House Modules Pix Sequence [110]
- House Modules Library [111]
- Tan 3D printer - Saudi - [112]
- Pelletizer - [113]
- Living Building Values - [114]
- Biodigester - [115]
- Fruits [118]
- FEF NVDI - [119]
- 6 Foot Printer - [120]
- Madison Ag 2005 [121]
- Ag 2008 [122]
- Nursery 2007 [123]
- Oekonux 2009 - [124]
- Madison presentation 2004 [125]
- 2009 [126]
- Second Half of 2008 [127]
- First half of 2008 [128]
- Osborn to early Maysville [129]
- Osborn 2006 [130]
- Osborn Hydroponics + Honey + Gasifer + Lister + Humblehut 2005 [131]
- Utah to Osborn + Veg Oil 2005 [132]
- Sawmill Aug 2007 [133]
- Roof Finishin Dec 2007 [134]
- Well Drilling Aug 2007 [135]
- Ronny Cordwood Piglet Nov 2007 [136]
- Aug 2007 Nursery [137]
- Oct 2007 [138]
- Sep 2007 [139]
- August 2007 [140]
- Spring 2007 [141]
- Winter 2007 [142]
- Feb 2007 [143]
- Winter 2006 [144]
- Berming 2006 - [145]
- Earthbag Hut 2006 - [146]
- 2006-2008 - 2006 moving onto land - [147]
- MJ Photos 2014 [148]
- Lifetrac Walkthrough 2009 [149]
- LifeTrac 2 2010 [150]
- Hydraraptor 2009 [151]
- Hexacube 2009 [152]
- FSCONS and Catchall 2009 - [153]
- Fruit Propagation Workshop 2009 [154]
- Tractor Clips 2009 [155]
- FeL 6 Personal Fabrication Clips 2009 - [156]
- CEB clips 2009 [157]
- Factor e Live Distillations 2009 [158]
- Factor e Live 11 2008 - [159]
- Desktop 2009 - [160]
- 2008 Picture Dump [161]
- Blog 2008 [162]
- Universal Rotor Build 2009 [163]
- 1000 Squared 2009 [164]
- Torch Table Build 1 2009 [165]
- Post Scarcity Village [166]
- Soil Pulverizer with Bucket [167]
- STEAM Meet SACA 2009 [168]
- Inga's Commitments Video 2009 [169]
- Lawrence Commitments Video [170]
- CEB Prototype 2 2009 [171]
- Torch Table with Lawrence 2009 [172]
- Eagle Has Landed 2009 [173]
- Austria TV Interview 2009 [174]
- Bale Spike 2009 [175]
- Soil Pulverizer 2009 [176]
- Hexayurt - [177]
- Tornado Warning 2009 [178]
- July 1 Walkthrough 2009 [179]
- Microtrac 1 2009 [180]
- Power Cube 1 2009 [181]
- Biodiesel 2009 [182]
- Solar Panels 2008 [183]
- Historical First Workshop [184]
- Tractor Development 2008 - [185]
- Construction and Machines to 2013 [186]
- Trencher from Mike - [187]
- Microhouse 1 Build Video [188]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse 1 Build Photos [189]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse 1 Photos [190]
- Microhouse 4 Photo Shoot - [191]
- Summer X 2021 Promo [192]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - Swipes [193]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - 3D Printer Printing [194]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - John Cheek [195]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - Time Lapse [196]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - Stills [197]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - Slow Motion [198]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - 3DP Instructionals [199]
- Belize CEB Microhouse Build [200]
- 3DP 2017 [201]
- Microtrac Workshop [202]
- SEH Hydronic Stove [203]
- SEH PV System Video [204]
- Punctureless Tires [205]
- 2018 D3D Build with Prusa Extruder [206]
- TED Talk + Slides - [207]
- SEH Hydronic Stove Build - [208]
- Startup Camp Images [209]
- Pro and Universal Photo Shoot [210]
- Pictures from Summer X 2020 - [211]
- Images from OBI website [212]
- Construction Pictures - [213]
- Timelapses - [214]
- 2017 3D Printer Workshop [215]
- PV Panels - [216]
- Nut plantout - [217]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse at Kickstarter Time - [218]
- Android Camera Dump 2013 - [219]
- Freak Bulldozer Prototype - [220]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse 1 - [221]
- Universal Rotor + Microhouse 1 - [222]
- Microhouse 2 + Septic Tank for Microhouse 1 - [223]
- 2014 Summer Camera Dump - [224]
- Summer X 2014 - [225]
- Faculty House + Microcar + 2 Tractor Action [226]
- Faculty House Main Build Action [227]
- OSE Apprenticeship Promo Video - [228]
- SEH2 Stain and Paint - [229]
- Collaborator Share - John Blakley D3D Pro - [230]
- Microhouse 4 build, Power Cube, CNC Cut Furniture -[231]
- Microhouse 4 workshop, Catarina Grinding - [232]
- Microhouse 4 and Faculty House Finishing - [233]
- Microhouse 4 Plumbing, Power Cube Tom, Faculty House Finishing [234]
- Microhouse 4 Interior - [235]
- Breakage - [236]
- Microhouse 3 aerials - [237]
- Lathe 2014 - [238]
- Summer 2014 - [239]
- College Tour 2014 - [240]
- Soil Pulverizer 2 2014- [241]
- Microhouse 2 Workshop 2014 - [242]
- CEB, Power Cube, Tractor 2014 - [243]
- Microhouse 1 Plumbing - [244]
- Spring Break 2014 - [245]
- Hablab Chimney Reinstall - [246]
- Minnesota CEB Scale Model - [247]
- Microhouse Winter 2013 [248]
- Site Walk 2013 Winter - [249]
- MTU Visit - [250]
- Dorn Cox visit Dec 2013- [251]
- Big Trencher Build - [252]
- Lasersaur Build - [253]
- Ironworker 3 Build [254]
- Backhoe 3 Build - [255]
- Microhouse 1 [256]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse Workshop Testimonials - [257]
- Concrete polish, materials, trees - [258]
Seed EcoHome 2
- SEH 2 - Day 11 []
- SEH 2 - Day 10 []
- SEH 2 - Day 9 [259] - Mon May 24, 21 - final sand of floor planks
- SEH 2 - Day 8 [260] - Sat May 22, 21 - off 2 weeks, then third week
- SEH 2 - Day 7 [261]- Fri May 21, 21 - off 2 weeks, then third week
- SEH 2 - Day 6 [262]- Thu May 20, 21 - - off 2 weeks, then third week this week
- SEH 2 - Day 5 [263]- April 30, 21 - second week
- SEH 2 - Day 4 [264] - April 29, 21 - second week
- SEH 2 - Day 3 [265] - First week
- SEH 2 - Day 1-2 [266] - First week
- SEH 2 - Day -1 [267]
Seed Eco-Home 1
- Shower Plumbing - [268]
Subject Areas
- Machines in action vid -
- Machine glamor shots -
- Sparks Flying + Workshop -
- Swarm Build Pix -
2021 SummerX
- LifeTrac broken shaft 2021 - [269]
- Photo Albums
- We used Drobo in house in 2012. Drobo
- Collaborative Video Assets - those assets contributed by various participants.
- Collaborative Video Protocol - how to get involved in collaborative, stygmergic video production. This assumes a certain shared culture and skill set is created.
- High Resolution GVCS Media
- OSE YouTube
- OSE Vimeo
- OSE Instagram
- OSE Social Media