Extreme Seed Eco-Home
Top 2
Thermal storage for zero heating/colling bills,
Full Package
- $5k more in PV for 12kW, but that is standard for 2000 sf version, so is not counted.
- Off-grid autonomous with AWG ($2k) at 1 liter per hour and 500W kW solar requirement (25% duty factor)
- Distiller for 3kW (6 gallons for the day) ($2k).
- Heat Storage of 24 totes (8x3 rows)- $3k.
- Hot water heat pump-based integrated hot water/heating system - about $4k additional cost. Options: add [1] to standard SEH system, at 20 gph capacity for hot water. Or single heat pump at $6k for heat and hot water - 48kBTU (see Hot Water Heat Pump)
- No added cost - open source inverter,
- Rainwater collection - 2000 gal. Utility house is an adjacent enclosure. - $2k
- 4 tote Biodigester waste processor with 1000 gal processing volume, for 4 people. -$2k
- Shit frier backup - $2k.
- Biodigester works with Shit Dehydrator, and final product is greywater for the greywater garden.
- Service contract for utilities (water, heat, power, waste)
- Power Wall of 1 kWhr for tools etc, $2k.
- Compressed Air Storage backup. $2500 in cost for 1 hphr. This is equivalent to batteries, at lifetime design instead of throwaway.
$19.5k extra for full autonomous option. With hydrogen - cost may be more. Fits within Cost Savings Budget - house ends up no extra cost and is Extreme in features.
Other at extra cost
- Includes water reclamation for closed-loop water cycle with sand filters, etc - $2k of filter. Includes sand filters proven like a pool. Auto plumbing for self-maintenance, another $1k
- Hydrogen energy option from Enapter. System at $9k [2] for electrolyzer? How much for one cell. Engine is missing. If we pay $9k - what is lifetime?
- 20kW VAWT Wind turbine - $5k