Factor e Farm Participation Standards

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by Marcin Jakubowski, OSE Founder


This page defines the standards or expectations for on-site participants at the Factor e Farm experimental facility. This applies to all on-site participants, and especially to Dedicated Project Visitors interested in long-term participation.

These standards focus on the present period from August, 2011, to year-end 2012. This period marks the phase of rapid development, testing, and deployment of the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS), with Factor e Farm as the primary stakeholder for this effort. We are currently in a phase of rapid growth, which was a result of wide attention brought to the project by my TED Talk. The explicit goal is completion of the development phase of the GVCS by year-end 2012, with an approximate $4-5M budget. The list below defines a prioritized list of contributions expected from participants, in descending order of importance.

The purpose of this page is to define a basis for clear performance assessment of on-site participants at Factor e Farm. This assessment is expected to be carried out not only by the project founder, but by each member of the Factor e Farm community. Making and receiving assessments of commitments and promises is a part of the open source culture of Factor e Farm, and the intent is team building towards delivering on a shared promise. The shared promise is the creation of the world's first, replicable Post-Scarcity Community.

Development Priorities

The most valued contributions in descending order of development priority:

  1. Design and Prototyping - This is our core physical deliverable. This includes physical prototyping, where machine design (CAD) is a prerequisite for prototyping. The importance of this contribution should be clear by definition - of our explicit goal. Designers and prototypers produce CAD drawings as the core deliverable that includes the generation of complete fabrication drawings. Fabrication procedures are handled more by the production team.
  2. Documentation- This is our core deliverable in general. Documentation allows for the replication of the GVCS tools and techniques. We are making a distinction between CAD and CAD documentation - in that CAD refers explicitly to the Design and Prototyping process, while CAD Documentation is part of the Documentation process. The latter involves the recording of content such as design, but it does not include the creation of that design. Documentation roles include primarily video editors, technical writers, documentarians, information architects, and graphic designers/animators.
  3. Production - One core value of our products is their economic significance. As proof of this significance, we engage in production of GVCS tools for external markets as a means to bootstrap earnings for further project development. This, in addition to testing at Factor e Farm, is an important step for the validation of the effectiveness and economic significance of our platform. People engaged in production are responsible for documenting fabrication procedures.
  4. Dogfooding Products - This is the user testing of GVCS technologies on site at Factor e Farm to gain first-hand experience on the functionality. This includes agriculture, construction, lumber production, natural products processing, provision of water and irrigation, electricity production, waste recycling, terraforming, ecological regeneration, and others.
  5. Facility Maintenance - maintenance of the site, such as roads, permaculture operations, buildings, utilities, kitchen and bathroom, and waste recycling.
