Factor e Training Certification

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Factor e training certification faq.

Are you Factor e (Fe) certified? Factor e Farm is a great platform for training fabricators and launching entrepreneurial ventures. In order to ensure a fair exchange for both trainers and trainees, as well as controlling the quality and reputation of the Factor e project, a formalized certification process has now been implemented.

What does an Fe certified fabricator look like?

Fe certified fabricators show a level of training and commitment to the project that makes them stand out from the crowd. They have experience and training gained on actual production runs. Fe certified fabricators have proven that they have the stamina and drive to complete a rigorous training schedule on-site at Factor e Farm. They are representatives of the Factor e Farm project and are confident in their fabrication abilities. In a word, they are committed.

Why get Fe certified?

Fe certified fabricators can:

-proudly display the Fe certified insignia on their documents, letter head, and marketing materials.

-take advantage of collaborative marketing and lead generation opportunities through Factor E Farm.

-have exclusive access to business mentoring programs and the Fe certified fabricator network.

-hold workshops to train future Fe fabricators.

-have access to the startup loan fund (with finance committee approval).

How do I get Fe certified?

Fe certification requires attending a month long work exchange at Factor e farm. This work exchange will be a mix of production work and fabrication training. You will learn by doing.

What is the training experience like?

The training experience is an intensive six days on one day off schedule. Work will be fast but accurate with an emphasis on repetition. Repetition creates muscle memory which helps perfect fabrication skills. If you want to create a perfect clay pot, make lots of pots and they will eventually become perfect. Art is found in repetition.

What will I learn?

-design, layout, mechanical systems, hydraulic systems, welding, oxy/fuel cutting, CNC cutting, jig making, optimization, tooling, abrasive cutting, production planning, parts sourcing, documenting on a Wiki, Ironworker Machine operation, distributed power generation, and others.

What does Fe certification cost?

Fe certification is a work exchange program. Time and food expenses will be the only monetary requirements.

Where to start?

Fill out the short survey so we can learn who you are and what your motivations are. If your a good fit for the project, we'll contact you with a follow up email to solidify your entry into the Fe certification program.

Metric for Evaluation

Certification applies to the ability to build specific products in the GVCS 50 product line. To become certified, students go through a complete build of a particular device on-site. To complete their certification process, they build a specific machine, which is then approved by the OSE Certification Curator for quality control and adherence to OSE Specifications. If this machine is approved, the official Factor e Certified label is sent to the producer, to be affixed to the product. Once a producer is certified, s/he gains access to the label for future builds. The certification lasts for 2 years, at which point the Certification Curator verifies the integrity of the product.


  1. We need to design a physical label graphic.
  2. We should start and staff a new nonprofit - OSE Distributive Enterprise nonprofit to handle product development and certification for new producers. This would require standards, procedure, policy - not by creating a bureaucracy but a lean and effective branch.
  3. Requires building of 4 effective living units for Fabricators-in-Training
  4. All resources from this work go to further product development to enhance the productive capacity of the group
  5. Producers are certified on a case-by-case basis, with the Fe Certification including the particular terms and conditions for the specific producer
  6. Producers form an Open Source Product Development Consortium aimed at further development of products