< Germany
Mission, Values, Roadmap, Blog, Newsletter, ContactTogether:
We, Friends, Communication, Events, Get Involved
Attention! This wiki entry is deprecated. The content moved to Open Source Ecology Germany.
This is the Roadmap of the development of OSE Germany in general. If you want to see the roadmaps of the concrete projects, visit the project pages.
Current Work
You can see the ongoing tasks here:
To contribute, choose a task from the "To Do" list and send email that you are working on it in the Google Group.
February 2012
- February 2 - Nikolay will speak with Katharina Weber on the project - open sourcing "How to build a strawbale house".
- February 4 - Nikolay goes to Berlin for about 2 weeks.
- February 5 - Meeting in Berlin planned with other organizations. More info soon.
- February 11 - Start of "Open Agile SCRUM GVCS machine development" mailing list - We begin to discuss the OSE:E project of constructing a wind turbine
- February 22 - First online meeting on the OSE:E project "VAWT"
January 2012
- January 5 -
contact 20 Hackerspaces (around Munich, Stuttgart/KA, Frankfurt, Aachen).
- January 11 -
Vortrag in Darmstadt, Trollhöhle, mit Chaos Darmstadt, 20:00.
- January 12 -
Radio interivew on C-Radar, Darmstadt, 21:00.
- January 13-15 -
in Leipzig, speak at Occupy Leipzig, speak with people interested in OSE.
- January 20-22 -
in Bittelbronn, south of Stuttgart, IdeenCamp, on OSE, Village Innovation Talk with Franz Nahrada and others.
- January 25 - Design a flyer for OSE Germany
- January 31 -
Visit Berlin, meeting in Open Design City is planned, connecting with people to discuss rural and urban OSE developments in/around Berlin.
- January 31 - Translate Global Village Construction Set/de
- January 31 - Translate the OSE Paradigm in German