HeroX Challenge and Collaboration

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Analysis of UVPs and positioning for HeroX challenges, starting with current ones. OSE looks for:

  1. Collaborative - Are the challenges collaborative? Ie, are they changing the rules of incentives into the 21st century - from competitive to collaborative.
  2. Public - Is the challenge public interest (public domain results) or privatized? Are they proposing a UVP where everyone is the beneficiary?
  3. Market - Is this a product that everyone everywhere in the world uses? Is there potential for creating economic freedom for many individuals?
  • OSE - Collaboration method: rapid upload and download for collaborative dev. Stakes: changing an industry segment.
  • TransLink Tomorrow - transportation sector, collaborate and innovate transportation sollutions for a regional transportation authority. Summary: making customer experience at TransLink more enjoyable. Market Size - small. Public - semi; collaborative - no. Transparency - no
  • Cheaper and Healthier Chocolate] - problem statement, challenge, pain point defined - for making lower cost and slightly healthier chocolate. Collaborative - zero, just simple 'submit this to us' - [1].
  • data security challenge. Collaborative - competitive using Topcoder. Public - no UVP proposed on public interest. Market- .Notes. Uses Community at HeroX for blog-like updates on progress, webinars, etc. N
  • Spacepoop - $30k - 20k entrants. Collaborative: no; Public - no UVP for public IP. Market - small. No UVP for IP to start an enterprise.
  • Save Them All - $10k prize - 454 entrants - Collaborative - ugly. 'Any indication of "copying" amongst competitors is grounds for disqualification.' Public - no UVP proposed. Winner entry not published at HeroX. Market - large.
  • Aging Innovation Challenge - $50k - Collaborative - copying disqualifies you. Public - Submitter retains IP. Market - they call only for NY state elderly
  • Animal Tracking with CubeSats - Collaborative - copying disqualifies you; Public - Owner licenses tech to gummit; Market - small
  • It Doesn’t Take a Brain Surgeon - 275 - $35 grand prize + - Collaborative - copying disqualifies you. Only prize that was crowdfunded; Public - winner keeps IP; Market - small.
  • GoFly - $2M, 3.7k entries. Collaborative - no; GOFLY will not approve any Innovator or Team sponsor that is a competitor of Boeing. But they do provide a wide range of technical webinars - [2]. Public - Innovator keeps all IP. Innovator agrees that Innovator will not discuss any confidential information of other parties or GOFLY.
  • Gold Rush - $1M & 1.9k entries - Collaborative: No. Public: hell no. Market: small.
  • Mozilla open voice challenge - nonwinners retain IP while giving license to mozilla; winners give up rights to Mozilla to qualify as winner. Indicates that competition is allowed. Collaborative - No. Public - Yes. Market - decent.


  • Could find one or two one open source challenge, and zero that were collaborative - even the Mozilla. Even Mozilla had proprietary entries unless they are winners.
    • GIS challenge - nobody met the $45k prize - [3]
    • [4] - but link to solution does not exist.
  • Coca cola has challenge with private access only- [5]
  • Great example of competitive waste. Company backing out of $55k challenge after things went too wild in the wild - ie, it could not control the publishing of its proprietary code - [6]
  • HeroX does have vote up for forum answers, but the post does not rise to the top.
  • From FAQ - [7] - Encourage both collaboration and competition