Integrated Building Blocks

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Building blocks that span all capacity, allow rapid prototyping by virtue of plug-and-play design and 5 Minute Design.

These building blocks allow for Lifetime Design by ready part swapping. There are typically components, and skeletons/frames/holders. On top of this is packaging/bodies and user interface.

Electronics Case

  • 3d printed holder board, connectors, lever clamps (such as Wago 221)
  • Wide use of sockets and interface sockets.
  • Extensive Scalability focus
  • Cosmetics are a final 3D printed layer
  • Wires and connectors are typically lever based, scalable, etc.
  • Modular Power Elements for power
  • Modular Tablet


  • Starting with Ubiquitous Network of Microcontrollers, with addable redundant repeaters to infinite range.
  • More powerful microcontrollers such as tablet computer.
  • Modular laptops, modular desktops.
  • Solar power added to it
  • Control and access from one device to another, up or down in capacity. Such as Streaming Desktop to Mobile.
  • Sensors and actuators
  • Mission planning
  • 3D terrain scanning
  • Computer vision and AI applied to all devices. For example, Arduino sends snapshots than are analyzed by more powerful computer.
  • Remote delivery, autonomous, and various mission planning for earthworks, and machine control of all types.
  • Swarming - controlling multiple drones from a single controller. Infinite ways to do this.
  • Machine follow me as well, for entire swarms
  • Satellites for comms, and other aerial objects