Investment Portfolio
Factor e Farm is a unique, lifesize hackerspace, hacktory, digital fabrication facility, post-scarcity resilient community in the making, and a locus of resource-based economy creation as discussed most recently in the Humanity Plus Presentation. We have just past our third year of existence, starting with a blank state of raw land. We are building an infrastructure for the above, with fabrication space and agro-ecology capacity to provide a complete, autonomous economy - as a shining example of post-scarcity resilience by use of available, appropriate technology.
There is a trick to the above. The appropriate technology does not exist yet. We are creating it this appropriate technology base by opensourcing key technologies (see Linz Slides) thereby promoting lifetime, resilient, low-cost, and highly-replicable design. To this end, we are aiming to attract approximately $500k of investment over the next 3 years. To promote this goal, we are offering the following investment portfolio.
Investment Portfolio
Lifetime Investors
This is the elite program. These are the pioneers invited to Factor e Farm to lead work in the development of post-scarcity, resource-based economies towards significant and transformative impact upon the course of civilization. The current entry fee is $10k, and a rigorous entry procedure is undertaken. Equity building is in the form of productive capacity building of resource-based economies, where the participant gains full access to productive infrastructure - which is developed collaboratively. Land is handled under a lifetime lease. The reward to the Factor e Farm community is contribution to abundance.
See Lifetime Investors for more information. To join this program, the candidate must propose a clear statement and proposal describing how they aim to contribute to the creation of post-scarcity, resilient communities. It is expected that the prospective candidate will be able to do significant resource development work to move the FeF experiment to world-class status.
Digitial Craftworker
A Digital Crafworker is a combination of digitally-assisted fabricator and craftsperson. This is for people interested in replicating FeF enterprise, and consideration will be on a case-by-case basis. This investment is negotiable, and depends on the skills and interests of the individual. The investement goes 100% into development of the GVCS technologies and productive infrastructure. Proposed training involves a program where the apprentice participates in the delivery of a production product for 3 production runs. These production runs are: (1), production following guidance of Factor e Farm, (2), leading a production session under oversight of FeF; (3) teaching a production session in a workshop setting. A prerequisite for this program is experience in tooling related to a given product, or intense willingness to learn and initiative in learning the prerequisite skill. A performance contract will be signed between FeF and the Digital Craftsworker. Typical duration of this program is from 1 to 4 weeks. All terms are negotiated on a case-by-case basis. The facilities dedicated to this program will include about a 4000 square foot worksop area that is capable of hosting up to 20 people at a time. Several projects will be able to occur with this space, and
Production Investors
You fund OSE product development towards developing optimized enterprise. You redeem your investment at $50 per hour in Factor e Farm labor. See OSE Value Proposition for a discussion on the value of this labor. This is for people interested in reproducing GVCS technologies by investing in their development - in exchange for a certain number of hours redeemed at a rate totaling their investment.
True Fans
$10/month donation for 2 years. Read more at True Fans. True Fans receive worthwhile discounts on the results our work.
Retreat Investors
$10k. This may be regarded as an 'Insurance Policy' in case of any disruptions of global supply chains to cities. The $10k covers the building of a 400 square foot structure, plus access to food and energy. This includes orchard, garden, livestock (chickens and goats), fuel, renewable energy, and means of transportation. Our current state of development on this is availability of The Liberator high performance CEB press. We aim to increase our garden, fowl and goat herd to levels capable of supporting 30 people. Retreat Investors will fund this increase, as well as contracted building of their dream bugout hut. Biomass pellet steam engine power is currently under development. Immediate renewable power will come from Combined Heat and Power systems, and subsequent evolution will include wind and solar concentrator power. It should be understood that this, as all other investment is for 'building the village', as it is not built yet. The Retreat Investment program is a practical, open, and explicit variation of the general proposition of this doomsday website:_______.
The next major workshop for Factor e Farm will be a two-week CEB construction workshop. Admission fee for this workshop will be somewhere between $300 and $700. True Fans receive a discount. The price includes hands-on experience in CEB pressing and construction. Camping will be available under a roofed, open-air structure. People also have the option to participate in sustainable forestry to generate dimensional lumber for the structure's roof. We will install a part CEB and part wood floor, plus a CEB stove. We are currently planning on diggind a 20-foot water well, as well as installing a combined-heat-and-power system in the CEB stove. Tentative workshp schedule is June 1-June 14. Worshop limit is 25 people.
We will soon be in a position to offer independent contractor fabrication opportunities to qualified individuals at $12-25 per hour. We are currently undergoing fabrication optimization for the CEB press.