Katherine Handin
Week 5 - Dec 10
Let's review the goals you identified via your Executive Profile when we first began our work. Katherine Handin: What are the ten (10) goals you most want to set for yourself over the next 90 days? What goals do you have that you know will release more of your full potential when you achieve them? What are the goals that will take you the next step toward your long-term goals?
- Achieving self-funding of OSE operations via Collaborative Production. This will achieve scalability.
- Gaining clarity on the strategic direction of OSE. This will open me up to higher effectiveness.
- Developing advisory capacity for OSE. This will accelereate development.
- Developing an iteration of an open source product development pipeline.
- Find a significant other aligned on the same mission in my life as a support person.
A strong #2 in line is needed. Much more rigor around who drops into our system. Personnel Strategy
2 Top Goals
- Personnel Plan: Recruit Ops Mgr with Strength in Project Management - someone who can manage multiple projects and multiple aspects of projects. See Project Manager Role Description. Recruit Technical Lead.
- Strategic Plan: Completion of Strategic Direction- relative weight of dedicated machine design, community manager, production, tech advisory board, univ., partnerships
Need to reconcile Shuttleworth Project Pitch - Product Lead (Technical Developer) + 3 Machine Designer.
The process of getting a Project Manager onboard - would allow contract enfrorcement. This addresses the issue that I can start contracts but I simply can't manage them.
90 Day Goal for Project Manager - get a handle on managing the project - technical management and overall project management.
Technical lead is a separate position.
Good ops mgr can help define the process. Totally working side by side. Connected at the hip. Good ops manager can help design that.
Need to be very vigilant about my assumptions regarding what I know - need to train someone properly.
Week 4
Nov 1, 2012
- Action Item - job description for everybody by the 14th. Mindmap around what roles and responsibilities.
- Pay people for high level positions - no free based on vision; could do it
- Job description - if person is lost, we have something to recruit from
- If not clear on performance - it is a moving target
- This is fair - manage expectations
- I have learnings regarding expectations - here's whare I stand.
- It is early for...
- Ex, when we achieve $5M in funding, we start doing bonuses
- 6 months operating cash
- DPV Standard
- Need Tight Strategic Plan and Value Proposition
- Ops Mgr job description
- Ask Donna to help with interview - having an eye for talent
- Recruiting Team - need to get serious and focused
- Centers of Excellence for Recruiting
- Next time - 9AM
- Refining and editing a Draft of Job Description for Product Lead
- Ask Stephanie for Job Description, help with recruitment strategy, Centers of Excellence
- Defining what we need ops to be good at
- Nail down roles and responsibilities of current people - how they fit with greater Product Lead - do a fast hop of mind
- Recruitment Strategy start
- Expectation Management Strategy
- Interplay of structuring and position around that will be from Strategic Plan. Don't build a house until foundation is there.
Week 3
- Executive Profile filled out
- High touch first, then systems goes without me.
- Next I go to high vision, someone else does high touch
- Develop muscle around moving ahead.
- Strategic Planning
- Leadership strategy - Katherine
- Strategic Influencing Advisor - Katherine? As part of Sequencing.
- Email Michael - generative conversation. I am excited.
- Sequencing
- Summary:
- Assess Michael for Strategic Plan
- Reach out to Renee for strategic Plan
- Q for Renee - specific assistance Advisory Board
- Emily for Character Stand
- Revisit Strat Plan
- Redo Biz Plan
- Tactical vs Strategic/Influencing
Week 2
- Discipline feedback
- Hire + Onboard Ops Manager
- Look at exec profile
- Primary Coaching Goals - for accountability - then we recontract
- Have working parameters to keep our focus!
- Board of Advisors - in in 90 days -
- CVO - Chief Vision Officer - being ready
- What does getting ready look like?
- Rules of engagement for others - set the tone - Set the Stage for giving feedback. But set it once.
- Personal Growth, Team Growth, and Org Growth
- We will identify 2 or 3 goals with many subtasks underneath
Week 1
- Go & No Go
- Establish an advisory board to help manage big responsibility
- Fill out executive profile
- Start on Board Needs -> work on Board Strategy in meantime and then populate Board with assistance from support network.