Microfactory in Every City

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  • Combine a successful version of online STEAM Camp, 24 Hour Hackathon, and Startup Camp so a real product emerges in 24 hours. 24 Hour Collaboration Architecture.
  • Successful STEAM Camp - 100 locations around the world, 5000 participants
  • Organizers (3) - 24/7 development around the world for continuity, on a 1 month cycle. $12k budget may be required.
  • Infrastructure - Discourse, prep on Zoom


  1. Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp - boot camp in FreeCAD design, 3D printing, build your own printer, build your own microcontroller, and
  2. 24 Hour Hackathon Collaboration Architecture - Can we succeed on an important product - in One Day? Requires a 24 Hour Hackathon Collaboration Architecture, and costs $20 or so for all the prototyping materials.
  3. Microfactory Infrastructure - 3D Printer, Filament Maker, CNC Torch Table, circuit maker.
  4. Widespread Recognition of the Concept

Prototyping Requirements

  • For concept to be validated, materials and prototyping infrastructure must be present. Devices such as oscilloscopes, welders, and other devices must be available.