Open Source Microfactory STEM Camp

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HintLightbulb.png Hint: This is an organizing page. See actual event at Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp

Wiki Landing Page




First time - 1 gig internet blazes through Factor e Farm. Thus, we can involve realtime documentation in this build.

Realtime Documentation Update



Get peer reviewed/graded for your work!

See Design_Guide_Students


Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp Logistics


Media Infrastructure

Operations: Marcin and presenters use an OBS Studio screen capture, and broadcast via Jitsi Meet. This allows several live connections to be broadcast, both the screen of presenter and 2-3 angle views from others - pending quality of the internet connection. The video recording OBS Studio can switch to different screens for recording diversity. Main content is the presentation by the presenter. Only presenter audio should be on, unless multiple local connections can handle sound without interference. Presenter should switch to Share Screen for most of the presentation.

  • Projector
  • Live videocall
  • Recording with OBS Studio
  • OBS Studio grabs entire screen
  • Docs are edited live and collaboratively - incentive being you are noted as an author on the Design Guide
  • Remote and local participants take notes
  • Lesson is published on YouTube.
  • Access to YouTube is open after a time delay, and a course is offered where you gain access
  • Evaluation is provided for grading - with peer-review grading with participants paired up for peer review.

Pictures and Video

  • Photo folder from participants - [1]


  • Spreadsheet - [2]


  • Marcin
  • Catarina
  • William

On Site

  1. Micheal Whitten
  2. Adrian Sinclair
  3. Ganesh Ramsahai
  4. Justin Garrett
  5. Scott Mader
  6. Rania Dibaccio
  7. Devin McElvogue
  8. John Cheek
  9. Manseur Baranpourian
  10. Ramin Baranpourian
  11. Eammon Hart
  12. Feng Li
  13. Aidan Williamson
  14. Tiffany Ochasi
  15. Jean Paul Aliaga - 5 days onsite


  1. Ken Hejmanowski
  2. Jose Aldunate
  3. robert mather
  4. paul nichols
  5. anton dyudin
  6. shawn obrien
  7. Peter Bergquist
  8. Antonio Esposito
  9. Adam Gryko
  10. Alfred Sallie
  11. Michael Wojcikiewicz
  12. Nathan Suitter
  13. Odundo Sidigu
  14. Patrick Sullivan
  15. Peter Bergquist
  16. Jeff Higdon
  17. Curtis Murphy
  18. Unai Gaztelu
  19. aude brazile
  20. Brett Walker

Couldn't Make It

  1. Eihab Othman
  2. Ghaith Alghaith

Machines for Poets

See OSE Design Guides



Evening Review During Workshop

  1. Day 1 - Impressions - what you liked and what didn't work for you - and reflection on "Revolution doesn't happen when society adopts new technology, it happens when society adopts new behaviors."
  2. Day 2 -

Short Links


Shopping List

Critical Path

Primary Goals:

  1. Learn everything about the Universal Axis and its scaling in size
  2. Learn everything about the Universal Controller
  3. Learn how to generate toolpaths for any machine
  4. Learn design principles for general machine design



Brand and Community Development

  • Need a Stack Exchange instance to cultivate tech Dev discussion.'’'
  • Cultivate a real biz. That is Cordless drill and doing a good job on it. Stackable battery pack is 5 kg (50 gram per bat) for 1 kW. This gets us to covering part of mobility requirement in an integrated way
  • Open Source Enterprise STEM Camp. Design track and Enterprise track
  • Our deliberate difference is getting towards a product
  • Small extruder qualifies as a product because no good small, Six Factor Design extruder exists.
  • Small electric motor qualifies
  • Small printer qualifies.
  • Small geared down 3 mm extruder qualifies - huge value proposition
  • Small stepper motor qualifies
  • Community Dev by paying people. Revenue model allows for increase of expert human capital

Notes on Curriculum

  • Design a welder wire feed as a spinoff from extruder feed
  • Power Supply that is scalable from 3d printer to welder.

Extended Project List

  • 3D Printed calipers.
  • Flexible spiral 8 mm bushing
  • 3mm planetary gear-reduced extruder.


Working doc -


The Open Source Microfactory STEM Camp is an immersion learning experience for gaining hands on skills in designing and building real things of economic significance.


The goal is to expeose participants to a wide range of design and prototyping skills. We will use OSE's open source Universal Axis Construction Set as a scalable and modular cartesian robotics motion system - which allows anyone to build a wide range of automation and CNC machines from scratch - easily and inexpensively. By using the Universal Axis - and combining it with various tool heads - one can build 3D printers, CNC mills, printers that print in metal, and any other

How It Works

The first 4 days will in general focus on skills learning, and the following 5 days will focus on projects for applying the skills learned. However, at all times we shift between the classroom and builds in the workshop, so this is a blended experience. About half the time will be in the workshop, and half in the classroom.

We include a build of a 3D printer from scratch in the first 4 days. Participants are welcome to take finished printer home with them (not included in the cost of the workshop). We will have a 3D printers cluster of 8 OSE printers available throughout the workshop for prototyping, and we expect about a dozen more to be built by the participants. The goal is to build and use the tools that we built to further bootstrap our ability to make things throughout the workshop.


Anyone interested in open source appropriate technology, with a focus on applied machine design and the skill set necessary to fabricated the machines..

Overview Schedule

The Open Source Microfactory STEM Camp is a 9 day immersion education experience with hands on projects. We will teach participants about design, and the hands on skills necessary to build the designs efficiently and effectively. We focus on fully open source tool chains for design and build, where we build the production machines for use within the workshop.

Detailed Schedule

The first 4 days will cover a crash course on design, and participants will


How do people find out about it?

  • JG -


Scenarios + Revenue


  • See Materials above
  • $224 roof panels, 3 people for 4 hours
  • $424 Fiber Connection Service

Feedback + Learning Goals

On Announcement

  • SJ - Thanks so much for providing the link and creating the event. My feedback is that its a significant leap forward. The 4 project days make sense and 5 freestyle days does'nt leave anyone with thinking that they have to rush when the skill set of many people is not there for rapid builds unless one is already accustomed to it.

The universal axis system D3D looks amazingly inventive and the D3D simple kit is a great price point that won't break the bank. The remote participation pricing is reasonable to me as a person could start off with the simple kit and graduate to building the full D3D learning at there own pace in semi-shop environment like a shed or basement.

The OSE products in my view, especially starting with the printers would help any number of IC's create transnational localized economies morphing into international ones not subject to market forces. I think thats what would make the most sense as innovation in AI intensifies with the corresponding technological displacement. (

If one was'nt tied down in work related issues and being in your neck of the woods, can't see anyone going wrong on tuition either.

Those are my thoughts, I really like this synergies being created with all these technologies! I think it should be great for those who are there to participate and for those who can learn remotely while replicating the design philosophy!

Learning Goals

  • Matthew Ewer - I'm less interested in learning about the basics of 3d printing, since I have rather a fair amount of experience with it already. Most of the other things on the itinerary sound interesting, or at least practical. In general, I'm interested in learning fundamental skills that will be of use in designing machines. My desired end goal is to one day be able to bootstrap a set of machines that are entirely self-replicating, and include a 3d printer. (I realize that several things make this a distant goal, such as the circuitry, in particular.) One topic I'd be interested in is how to retain accuracy - if a self-replicating printer degrades (non-convergingly) with each generation, it's not sufficiently self-replicable. Seems like some errors would smooth out, but others would propagate. Another topic I'd be interested in is how to make fundamental materials from scratch - wire, ball bearings, pipes, plate. PLA, if that's on the menu. Overall, though, the itinerary skills like welding and structural analysis sound pretty useful.
  • Eihab Othman - I heard about it thru your channel. I'm subscribed already. My personal earning goals: Learn how the global village construction set can systematically help create independent local productive communities. I have personal interests in the agro / permaculture side, and agro-downstream-conversion construction set. B. Experience first hand the intensity of the workshop and its reapplicablity in our region as we were discussing a while ago.
  • John Cheek - Am super excited to come up there and learn from y'all! I actually don't remember how I ended up finding your site. I believe something I follow on facebook posted about it! Ive been looking for something like this for a while, as some friends and I have began building a regenerative community here in NC. You have the skills ive been looking to develop and I am beyond excited to come up there and learn as much as I possible can from you! Thank you for reaching out, and anything else you need from me let me know!
  • Devin McElvogue - I was referred by John Cheek who is also attending. A group of us are building a regenerative village in North Carolina and are thrilled to see this collaborative opportunity exist. Yes, early bird + printer kit. Devin McElvogue (me) will be attending. Last night I watched the Introductory Video from the Open Source Microfactory Boot Camp 2018 on YouTube and was pleased from the get go with your philosophy on education.
  • Adrian Sinclair - build a partnership with OSE, interview Marcin and Catarina, collaborate on designing and building a 3D concrete printer for printing houses, adding it to the GVCS.
  • Michael Whitman - My broader expectation is meet people with similar interests and to collaborate on project. To develop relationships with people who attend the workshop that may extend beyond the workshop. I have no doubt that I will learn a lot of various technical skills in the collaborative workshop environment.
  • Li Feng - Looking to try something new, interested in environmental engineering and the concept of open source and collaborative building
  • Ganesh Ramsahai - My core interest is building 3d printers
  • Manseur Baranpourian - I am an engineering by degree and by heart :) , and curious about the whole life and would like to keep learning until.... , Life again :) :) I would like to learn your philosophy and your techniques and familiarise myself with your system and may be build some interest in myself towards it, to expand it and use it for fun , for good and may be business.
  • Tiffany - Construction of 3-D printers, etc
  • Ramin Baranpourian - Id like to learn how to design and build and machine from scratch using easy to find materials. I dig sustainability and self relaiance.
  • Justin Garrett - knowledge, experience, and some new connections. To see it in person, listen and learn, and experience open source technology hands-on. Maybe start something interesting with the knowledge I take home with me... If so I'll have a better idea of exactly what on July 8.
  • Eamon Hart - Practically how to work with CAD, Welding, CNC Machines, etc. I also want to work with some of the Global Village Construction Set


  • Peter Bergquist - Also would love to host a camp here, we are starting up a makerspace in my town and would love to be able to use similar programming to your camp programs. Would like to do the 3d printer build and cnc circuit mill, and other cnc builds...Would like a laser cutter/etcher, but not ready to spring on a Epilog or another equivalent.
  • Antonio Esposito - My goal is to learn as much as possible, every machine you're treating is interesting for me, since my purpose is similar to your own (if I have properly understood): being self sufficient as much as possible in farming and in life, building your own microfactory for costructing the goods that are most necessary for everyday life. However, I do understand that remote connection is absolutely not the same as being there, where I could have done a hands-on experience. And also, I won't be able to always be in live connection with you guys. Anyway, I'll do my best. I'm really looking forward to this camp.
  • Adam Gryko - I found an interesting article on Hackaday [3] in relation to plastic recycling, linked through to Precious Plastic and then the Open source Ecology website. I'm an electronics engineer by profession and interested in the design sessions to get an overview of some of the mechanical principles in the machines you've designed. I'm just interested in getting started building my own machines based on what I've seen and just experiment!]
  • Shawn O'Brian - I found out about the STEAM camp from the main website. I discovered the website through researching what the global solutions proposed for technological unemployment were. One of them was a movement towards divorcing from capitalistic economies by utilizing the existing technology for our own needs, not our superfluous wants that are more materialistic. Within that category I chanced upon your site. As far as my education goals, I’m interested to learn about how these types of machines that lie at the heart of civilization are made. Not necessarily with all the market finish, but just what mechanisms operate such that they have the desired function. I hope observing this course will help me to imagine ideas for new machines and how they might best be designed.
  • Jose Aldunate - I am an industrial designer and my main goal for this course is to learn about CNC machinery, the archive of technology you have in OSE, a little bit on hydraulics and gears, i live in Chilean Patagonia and i would really like to apply the technology you have developed here in the south of the world.
  • Robert Mather - A friend of mine told me about OSE. I'm not sure how he learned about it. I normally work in software, but I've always wanted to try out the hardware side. I'd love to get to the point where I can conceive of a mechanism for solving a problem and actually know where to start for designing and building the solution. I was considering attending the camp in person, but couldn't make the timing work. The OSE ethos is inspiring and motivating to me, so I'd love to get acquainted with the people and see where that leads.
  • Thanks for reaching out to me. I was looking around for information on electric powered vehicles and sample chassis plans and information on Open Source Ecology came up. I wish I had known about it sooner! Anyway, I love the idea of an Open Source Civilization Kit. I can see the potential of starting up a farm or helping villages and towns in developing countries and even, some of the struggling areas here in the US. I also want to improve my understanding of fabrication and machine design. Would be great to incorporate this into STEM education for middle and high schoolers in different places, too.
  • Alfred Salle - Thanks for reaching out to me. I was looking around for information on electric powered vehicles and sample chassis plans and information on Open Source Ecology came up. I wish I had known about it sooner! Anyway, I love the idea of an Open Source Civilization Kit. I can see the potential of starting up a farm or helping villages and towns in developing countries and even, some of the struggling areas here in the US. I also want to improve my understanding of fabrication and machine design. Would be great to incorporate this into STEM education for middle and high schoolers in different places, too. I saw that you were running some fiber at your location there in Missouri. Given my experience at Cisco Systems and Verizon, I was just thinking that you should plan for a parallel run of fiber along the eastern edge of your property for redundancy at some point. What networking equipment did you decide on? Just wondering about things like QoS and if you are doing any VoIP or other protocols over the connection. What is the provider dropping off at the DMARC? Anyway, I am taking a welding class tomorrow night and I am hoping to get much more involved in this type of fabrication and design. I am looking forward to the virtual version of your camp. Hope I can go in person someday.
  • Unai Gaztelu - I am currently living in Tanzania where we are starting a plastic recycling project where we will use precious plastic machinery. My goals are to refresh some of the engineering concepts I learnt years ago and to have a community and learning resources that I can check whenever I start some small project (no fixed plan to do so yet, besides the plastic recycling). I found about the event on your website. But I cannot remember how I found your website, sorry...
  • Curtis - Marcin, I am interested in all that is offered at the STEAM CAMP but with particular focus on the Universal Axis: a Robotics Construction

Set. My introduction to open source came from my desire to build farm tractors. I found Open Source by searching online for blueprints to build the tractors. We have spoke before.