Mini Drill Motor
18V 555 motor - [1]
Chuck only, $10 on Amazon - [2]
Coupler for motor - [3]
1 mm mill bits - 1/8" shank - [4]
- $15 with chuck - [5]
- 1/8" is 3.175 or 3.2 mm
- Mini drill press, 3D printed, using above motor - [6]
- Hand-pump drill - [7]
- 2.3 mm shaft version, 5V 1A, $11 - [8]
- 2.3 mm drill bits are available
- 555 motor - $24 - 12-36v - [9]
555 spindle-less (not additional support bearings) motor can be used as a mill for education, though not production. Not only that - he makes a working Arduino.
Application with Spindle
- See John Log for spindle made with a small motor.