Most Efficient Soil Based Biomass
- This page aims to determine what Soil based Cellulosic Biomass produces the most kilograms Dry Matter (Measurement) or Biomass per square meter kg/m^2 of used land
Internal Links
External Links
- The Wikipedia Page "Table of biofuel crop yields" (This seems to be more aimed at Fuel Crops as it is all focused at Plant Oil content)
- The Wikipedia Page on Lignocellulosic Biomass
- The Wikipedia Page on Biomass
- The Wikipedia Page on Energy Crops
- A 2018 Study in The Journal "Nature" Titled "A global yield dataset for major lignocellulosic bioenergy crops based on field measurements"
- The Main Table Used in the Study? (Table 2)
- "There are 5,088 entries in our dataset, each entry being one reported biomass yield value in mass unit (ton DM/yr, dry matter)" Adding this Unit for future use
- A Useful Chart (Figure 3)
- An European Technology and Innovation Platform Page Titled "Lignocellulosic crops for production of advanced biofuels"