Multi-Level Learning
Multilevel learning is the deliberate mixing of task complexity in any collaborating team to enable class mixing and class mobility. Such as mixing maintenance, design, build, executive functions in one flat team. Each person has maximum learning and advancement opportunity, and the whole team helps each other grow. In absence of such cohesion, mbers may be moved to other teams, or dismissed to other roles if they cannot function effevtively withbthe rest of the team. Tribalism and bullying is avoided by mission orientation, which is fundamentally supportive - as part of a collaborative abundance mindset. If a person does not perform, the first option is education organizations remediation learning, followed by transitioning the person out if the person is not contributing to the mission.
Learning at different levels of complexity - such as what a 10 year old would understand, and what an expert would understand - at the same time. Includes 'popular knowledge', 'hooto other knowledge', patterns, key concepts, zooming out, zooming in, 'advanced concepts', 'back of envelope calculations, 'rigorous calculations' - all at the same time.
This is an integrated methodology that we are developing at OSE as a pedagogy that can potentially turn civilization on to the next level of humanistic and scientific progress.
For OSE, multilevel learning is an explicit pedagogical method.
For the OSE Fellowship, this is key to House Production Collaborative Literacy, with intent to transition readily to Civilization Design Collaborative Literacy.
Specifically, OSE intends to be a Class Mixer with a common bond of Integrated Growth Mindset. This means that different collar interests can work together if they all have. a common bond of making a better world, and demonstrate a profound desire for integrated lifelong learning. In such a scenario, we focus on rebuilding architectures, with everybody starting on the factory floor, and breaking any glass ceiling as soon as they learn any competency. For this, esteem is required to work harmoniously, by valuin that both mundane and elite tasks need to be accomplished. And - by understanding that any good work is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. In thus context, maximum focus on inclusion is obtained by transparency, simplicity, meaningfulness, and modularity of everything that we do.
Anyone can follow or lead any time they want.bto lead, they must acquire skills. To follow, one must have esteem. To lead, one must be dedicated to empowering others - so they rise to new tasks while freeing up the former leader to new pursuits. The leader thinks about meaning, because they also started on the factory floor.
The 24-student cohort design simplybrequires that everyone helps each other grow and learn, and gain powers. As other cohorts come online, theybalso collaborate in expanding the pie, as a culture of abundance is created.