OSE Apprenticeship
Summary of Feb 11, 2025 by Gemini
The OSE Apprenticeship is a unique opportunity that includes life coaching, reaching the Edge of Knowledge through Rapid Learning, and hands-on, integrated learning. It means doing so in a supportive environment where you collaborate as a cohort, building lifelong friendships. The goal is to build yourself - to build a world based on inclusive collaboration on a level playing field. To get there we help you to transform yourself from a me mindset to a we mindset, as a precondition to a new world based on abundance. We focus on building character as a means to build a better world. While the surface may appear technocratic, the essence is humanitarian.
OSE is creating 3 main tracks and subtracks within them. The first and foundational is a 4 year builder track. In the builder track, apprentices learn 20 nuilding trades to the level of Integrated Functional Proficiency by using state of art Integrated Rapid Learning protocols for production and stewardship. Stewardship arises from:Learning How to Learn, Learning How to Think, building character, and expanding one's consciousness of possibility. The basic track involves the whole human experience, foundational to becoming an aware and Integrated Human.
In the Open Sector track, which adds 2 years to the 4 year integrated builder track, apprentices reach a skill set necessary to replicate a Seed Eco-Home franchise in another location.
In the Global Stewardship Track, apprentices learn to build a school campus. While all tracks involve apprentices in teaching, mentoring, training robots, and otherwise leading groups, the Global Stewardship Track focuses on post-graduate level knowhow for innovation in systems Integration. The level of operations pursued in this track is that of high level R&D -;yet is applied in an integrated systems fashion to solving common and practical global problems that are generally deemed unsolvable.
The 3 tracks are cumulative, and each student is encouraged to engage in lifelong learning by program design and incentives. Work-study is available, and the student sets the pace. The instructors provide a firehouse of distilled content, and apprentices are expected to engage this content at their own pace. We require a collaborative effort from each cohort of 24 students, such that students develop an allied community that teaches each other based on strengths And weaknesses. For integrated learning, collaborative teaching and learning is key, and to promote this, we engage apprentices in teaching and mentoring younger cohorts as soon as the apprentices learn any subject area. This pedagogy builds on the idea that one learns best when one is required to communicate and teach their new learnings to others.
We develop and build on open and accessible knowhow. For proprietary knowhow, such asiceochip or machine design, we engage in a powerful transparency-creation process where we collaborate at scale with all necessary stakeholders. We start with rapid learning and collaboration skills in our cohorts, and we distribute these techniques broadly as we evolve them.
Our expectation is lifelong learning from anyone who joins the program. Within the integrated builder track, we encourage especially those individuals who aspire to high achievement - along the lines of meaning and purpose. We focus on expanding one's consciousness to new areas of possibility and ability. As such, students can choose additional areas of study as soon as basic competencies are met. As such, students can set their own levels of ambition as soon as new opportunities open. We focus on self-sldiscovery across all areas, founded on Moral Intelligence, and a search for excellence and Genius. We study performance psychology, coaching, and other leadership arts to build character. We engage in annual service projects where we aim to deepen a character of service to humanity. Because we pursue deep integration of character building, collaborative approach, modular breakdown, Pedagogy of Abundance, theory, practice, clear application, integrated design, and visible value creation via enterprise - augmented with growth psychology of peak performance - we expect that individuals of average intelligence but high moral character can attain the equivalent of multiple 'college majors' in their engagement of the first four years.
Collaborative Qualifications Earned
The unique feature of our program is its collaborative nature, in that each graduate does not only gain the credentials that result from their own learnings - but also residuals of learnings from otherembers of their cohort. Therationale for this, compared to any other program - is that our learning is not only individual. A core component of our program is that students teach other cohort members as the collaborative learning process involves breaking down complex topics in a modular fashion. Students then collaborate to solve larger problems, or build larger things. Because of this teaching and doing experience - according to clearly established collaborative learning protocols - the exposure, retention, and problemsolving ability is augmented by the input of others in the cohort.
The concept is that if standards of collaborative literacy include uniform taxonomy, organization, modular breakdown, uniform organization and documentation protocols - then each student effectively has access to problemsolving capacity augmented by the number of individuals in the cohort. The key is the establishment of a collaborative, systems-thinkinh framework, which OSE has been engaged in for the last 2 decades.
This is true only if degenerate problemsolving techniques are used, if students establish close personal rapport within their cohort sufficient to enable ready mutual consultancy, and if zero access barriers to each other's knowhow and work product are created. This comes from the practice of collaborative literacy, and a collaborative mindset of abundance that we teach for this process.
Collaboration is precisely the nature of knowhow and process that we are creating via our cor principles of transparency, open knowhow, and inclusion. We literally enter into a social contract within the cohort that turns the power of many into the power of each one in the cohort.
This is quite distinct from industry standards, where proprietary exclusion and competitive waste are the norm. Because the general systems assumption is a mindset of scarcity, our method provides a clear collaborative advantage. The promise that we teach is one of abundance, and therefore introduce a realistic possibility for leveling the playing field in and across sectors. If successful, this achievement would constitute historical significance.
During the cohort recruiting process, we select for potential team players. In our program, we build personal psychology and character to develop the humility necessary bfor taking on monumental work. As the program evolves, we build teams and meta-cohorts who will collaborate in future enterprise replication and evolution.
The goal of the Apprenticeship is to transform civilization to a level playing field where everyone has a fair opportunity to thrive. This means we have a strong grounding in service, such that this becomes accessible not only to the pretty people, but to everyone.
OSE's Model of Change for such transformation is building an OSE education campus for every population center of 100,000. This assumes universal access to our services anywhere in the world. As we seek to understand the world prior to being understood, we spread worldwide to learn about local conditions and relevant issues that stand in the way of human prosperity in harmony with natural life support systems.
As such, every Apprentice is charged with mission impossible: to raise their skill set from builder to franchise operator to Campus leader - providing transformative education in their location. We are beginning to train 100,000 such individuals worldwide. As such, we create no glass ceiling to any of our 18 year old entrants, with an expectation of lifelong learning on both sides.
Each Campus starts as a franchise with immersion education for transformative enterprise. Each franchise bootstraps to a robust rapid learning infrastructure across sectors, while itself behaving as a model civilization and culture to reinvent the world. This includes all the Infrastructures of modern civilization, except open source and designed for leveling the playing field for prosperity.
Our unique feature is the level of collaboration sought. First, cohorts operate as swarms of 24, not as individuals. Once multiple cohorts build to 10 units, a Campus of 240 works as a collaborative swarm of 240, as implied in the Collaborative Qualifications section above.
Once a campus gains the power of 240 individuals who collaborate closely, a significant problemsolving unit is borne. However, this pales in problemsolving power to multiple such units operating with zero collaborative waste. Imagine saying 100 of such campuses collaborating seamlessly in design or builds - meaning more than 20,000 individuals combined on a single mission. Or take the nominal limit of 100k campuses collaborating as such - or 24M people in unison. Such is capable of creating microstates or major infrastructure projects in the time scale of a weekend.
We are intentionally requiring one week of community service per year from all of our members as part of a culture of service. It is intended to be a pioneering adventure, like Burning Man with a purpose.
- 1000 Hour Curriculum
- OSE Apprenticeship Model
Payscale Whitepaper
- Apprenticeship Operations
- OSE Apprenticeship Messaging
- Seed Eco-Home Apprenticeship
- Apprenticeship Expectations
Basic Apprenticeship Resource Model
- OSE Apprenticeship Scalability
- OSE Apprenticeship Rollout
- Apprenticeship Metrics
- OSE Apprenticeship Exam
- Apprenticeship Leaderboard
- OSE Apprenticeship Development
- Apprenticeship_2024_Script
OSE Apprenticeship - How It Works
- 2024 work - see OSE Apprenticeship Development
- Apprenticeship Incentives
- OSE Apprenticeship 2023
- OSE Apprenticeship Cold Start
- 2021 - OSE Apprenticeship 2021
- OSE Fellowship