OSE Campus Business Model

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The OSE Campus is closely related to a college town. The main aspect of the OSE Campus enterprise is university education. But it also has eco-industry, stewardship of nature, and agroecology.

Design of the OSE Campus Revenue Model

  • Tuition model
  • 1/3 the cost of industry standards, or about $60k (average cost for private universities is $45k - See Cost of Universities)
  • Positioning as in the top league of university education
  • General OSE positioning is 1/3 the cost of industry standards, but 1/5 if a level playing field is present, and 1/10th if lifecycle analysis is considered.
  • Incentive is gaining practical skills in agriculture, manufacturing, robotics, automation, mechatronics, artificial intelligence, programming, and open source product design, while learning to be an Integrated Human - meaning learning about psychology, history, peak performance, governance, economics, and enterprise.
  • Design focuses on project-based learning
  • Design of program focuses learning by necessity.
  • Starts in spring when it warms up - May 15.
  • Starts on a 100-200 acre blank slate.
  • Results in fully-functional campus in 4 years for the first cohort


  • One bootstrap enterprise
  • Leads to 12 OSE Senior Fellows, who are teachers
  • First class is 40 people, acquires land.
  • Grows by 40 every year.
  • At end of 4 years, is a Dunbar's scale campus, with first graduating class.
  • Opportunity for startup via 2 year Grad School (Master's equivalent) - also on site


  • 40 x $45k = $1.8M. $450k startup budget for the first year.
  • Staff are cross-subsidized via bootstrap enterprise.
  • All revenue goes to infrastructure building
  • Startup assistance includes all to-date available OSE machines: CEB Press, tractor, etc. Curriculum involves improving machines and using them.
  • Land acquisition - about $200k initially [1]