OSE Collaboration Concepts
OSE is nearing to point of capacity for action collaboration with other transformative organizations. The goal is to implement various Universal Basic Assets strategies and programs to transition to an economy where human enterprise models do not rely on artificial scarcity. Here are some ideas.
These can be deployed to a grant writer to create a narrative and budget, combining 'hot concepts' that are current and which have entered public consciousness, and which OSE is in a position to address.
Case Studies
- IFTF - example of the model of 'action tank creation' with a respected organization in the nonprofit sector which may be in a position to augment its fundraising efforts to the $1M required for a Rapid Learning Facility for the Seed Eco-Home. This would expand the power of their ideas. Opportunity: Under the condition that the collaborating organization is seeking ways to implement their program, such a collaboration could be highly productive. Challenges - this collaboration will uncover a basic data point in Applied Critical Theory - do progressive organizations want solutions, or is their head stuck so far up the ass of the current system that actual action on their proposed ideas is not tolerated in their organization? Note that this does not move OSE to reliance on the nonprofit sector, as OSE has an entrepreneurial revenue model. It does delegate voluntary sector work, by creating an Open Sector organization - at the interface of enterprise and social good - augmenting OSE's entrepreneurial work without getting trapped in the legacy economic system of earth.
This pattern can apply to many organizations closely related to the practice of OSE. IFTF is highly relevant to the core Open Sector alignment of OSE. Open Sector could be seen as an avenue for Distributed Market Substitution for things that should be guaranteed, so society can transition away from survival and Autocracy.