OSE Europe/Online Meetings/Archive
Conference Call - 22. November 2011
Participants: Angel, Alvaro, Alvaro (Root), Ezequiel, Daniel, Denis, Jalil, Jamie, Jesus, Nikolay, Will.
- Main Points:
- In Millares we will first focus on building up an infrastructure. This should take 3-6 months. After that, we will build machines we feel we need and also GVCS machines. Millares has already a legal entity and it can raise funds also without the OSE Europe Foundation (OSEEF). The Foundation remains with the goal of fundraising for GVCS machines in the US and Europe as soon as we register it.
- Archive:
- Ogg recording (99 MB)
Conference Call #4 - 6. October 2011
Participants: Andreas, Angel, Ivan, Nikolay, Daniel Connell, Oscar Calvo, Jalil, Jan (jenda.skoda).
- Main Points:
- Foundation - soonest the documents for registration will be sent next week. People involved in the registration take responsibility for the 2 main tasks - funding and building the OSEE network. Everybody is encouraged to take responsibility and help with these too.
- GVCS Funding - a plan will be outlined till 15. October to gather 500,000 dollars till 1. June, 2012 (Nikolay).
- OSEE Network - we start building the OSE Europe network, it will be visible on the http://oseeurope.org website.
- http://oseeurope.org - will present OSE Europe work on funding, networking and local communities in every country.
- Every local community will have their own website and will broadcast the important news and project needs in the oseeurope.org website. Possible implementation: RSS feeds.
- We decided to make a forum which can be used by all countries. On Wednesday, 12. October 20:00, Nikolay, Jalil and Daniel will decide which forum to choose. Suggestions are welcome. Desired features are: a lot of subgroups, RSS feeds, easy email subscription, email reply to forum, multi language.
- Local Communities
- OSEE Spain have to self-organize and start the local chapter(s). Angel, Root and Ezequiel will connect with speak about that and share in the Google Group.
- OSEE Germany is forming: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ose-germany
- Nikolay will write the initial concept till 9. October which will be further developed collaboratively.
- Website will be there till 16. October.
- The Czech Republic - Jan (jenda.skoda) wants to start with OSE. We need more people from there to start connecting.
- OSEE Camp: it would be great to meet in person. We are planning for the first half of 2012. If you want to come please choose the month which is suitable for you in Doodle: http://www.doodle.com/4sz7asecbsfk7rx3 . Later we will decide on the concrete date and location.
- Teams - we started forming Teams to take care of the various tasks around OSE Europe. Everybody can join them:
- GVCS Funding - currently Nikolay.
- Connection Team - connecting with the people in the European countries. Currently Nikolay.
- OSE Camp Team - currently Angel and Nikolay.
- Information Destilling - documenting the information from the Google Group into a platform. Currently Andreas and Jalil.
- IT Team - taking care of oseeurope.org . Currently Nikolay, Daniel and Jalil.
- Archive:
- Mp3 recording (57 MB)
29. August 2011
Not documented.
18. August 2011
Participants: Angel, Branko, Nikolay, Will, Daniel
- Main Points:
- Archive:
- Mp3 recording Part 2 (67 MB)
- Mp3 recording Part 3 (72 MB)
- Short chat log
24. July 2011
Participants: Alvaro, Branko, Dirk, Ino, Nikolay, Will
- Main Points
- Communication Infrastructure - searching OS Speaking and Chat tool, searching for Project Management platform
- Develop 2-3 tools in Europe - asking FeF
- Archive: