OSE Filament Extruder
(Redirected from OSE Extruder)
- OSE Filament Extruder v21.10 is building upon the Lyman_Filament_Extruder#OSE_Simple_Filament_Maker
- Builds upon Recyclebot for puller and winder, Lyman for motor, heat break, and couple, and Precious plastic for size, multiple bands, flow control.
- Deprecating Precious Plastic for conduction heat loss and over-bearing. Deprecating smaller size and going to 1" barrel.
OSE Version CAD
- More recent, simplified from 2018 - Lyman_Filament_Extruder#OSE_Simple_Filament_Maker
- This is the OSE version remake. From 2018 - See https://github.com/OpenSourceEcology/Extruder