OSE Open Hardware Standard
Builds upon OSHWA Definition and DIN SPEC 3105 to include collaboration methods, Module Based Design, pattern languages for product ecologies, Extreme Manufacturing, collaborative swarm builds, Distributive Enterprise, and a teleology of Distributed Market Substitution. These are the conditions for enabling open Hardware to solve pressing world issues, which require an evolution of culture as well as upgrading of current development methods to collaborative and inclusive. The result is a transition of the economy from scarcity-based to one based on abundant resources, leaving nobody behind while regenerating natural life support systems.
The OSE Standard builds upon OSE Specifications, and makes explicit various design principles, processes, and tools that enable open, collaborative development. These techniques have been developed over the last decade and are now being tested in the marketplace.
The OSE Standard is a tactical guideline document for anyone interested in engaging in OSE's open development process. Procedures specific to OSE are outlined, but are generalizable to any hardware development project. A diversity of open source hardware pattern languages can be developed. These pattern languages are similar to computer languages in that they can be universal, but are best suited for specific applications depending on the level of abstraction required, and resolve the Degeneracy Problem by substituting local Degeneracy for global Degeneracy, allowing for a diversity of localized solutions that are generalizable to a greater whole.
A critical feature of the pattern languages is that they are highly integrated, interdisciplinary - ie, ecological in terms of the relationships between humanity, its institutions, and the underlying natural life support systems.
Problem Statement
The myth of technology is still with us: with amazing modern technology that can produce more goods than any civilization can use, scarcity-based economics and deprivation (hunger, poverty) are still the norm and resource conflicts abound, such as the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Environmental and social issues surrounding the production of a modern standard of living still abound.
Getting past this state requires a cultural shift based on increased awareness of the ramifications of Kardashev Scale from first principles. Simply put, there is enough for everybody many times over. This is the strating point to hans behaving congruently with this fact.
Instead, technology is expensive, designed for obsolescence, circular economies are nowhere to be found, and all together innovation is in the stone age as everyone protects the best designs without allowing others to build on them.
Here we propose an eternal, collaborative, inclusive technology development paradigm where anyone can contribute and everyone has access to the fruits. To solve material scarcity issues, as a.foundation for financial independence and self-determination.
Today's version of financial independence is also scarcity-based. This paradigm corrects this. Innovation is slow because people do not collaborate. This paradigm addresses this.
The end point on a very practical front is distributed Market Substitution, and a transition to neosubsistence - where people can decide what to do with their lives instead of constantly fighting for their survival.