OSE Software Stack
Tech Stack Brainstorm
- If anything doesn't fit here, please add/remove/annotate
Philosophy and Reasoning
- Open-Source
- Self-Hosted
- Minimal Cost
Current Applications
- Discord
- VanillaBB
Potential Applications
- Nextcloud - https://nextcloud.com/
- Replace Google Cloud with Self-Hosted instance
- Build out full-featured test instance with OnlyOffice and Element Integration
- OnlyOffice - https://www.onlyoffice.com/
- Replace Google Cloud Applications such as Presentation/Doc
- Allows for real-time collaboration, scale to be determined
- Anecdotal experience with OnlyOffice has been good. No major issues, but will have slight learning curve.
- Element - https://element.io/
- Replace Discord as it is not open-source and integrate directly into NextCloud instance
- Good for instant communications at all times
- UpCloud - https://upcloud.com/
- Cloud Hosting for new servers that would need to be built
- Alternative to Google or AWS Hosting
- Discourse - https://www.discourse.org/
- Replaces original forums
- Long-term topic discussion that remains organized
- Great features out of the box
- Moodle - https://moodle.org/
- Open-source Learning Management System
- Compile all videos, reading, testing in one location
- Automate instruction flow, badge/certificate awards
- OpenID - https://openid.net/
- Integrations available for all applications proposed
- One Login for all Systems
- Can become a member/sponsor for more benefits
- OpenProject
- Central location for managing all OSE projects and letting contributors freely assign/remove themselves
Past Recommendations/Software in Use
These are common software in use at OSE, which will be packaged into an OSE Linux.
- Open Source CAD Software
- Open Source Web Conference Software
- Open Source Video Production - includes video and other communication media