OSE Specification Score
Simplified version - 0-50 score from total of 10 key items embodied in the OSE Specifications, turned into 0-5 stars after dividing by 10.
O-5 Score:
0- nil 1- hardly any 2- some 3- considerable 4- good 5- excellent
- scalability - can same design be simply used? Full Extensive Scalability and Intensive Scalability are 5. Order of magnitude for Full is 2 - from one person or a few to 100 or a few hundred - based on Dunbar's number as minimum village design. 0 is no Scalability, 1 is under 2. 2 is double size. 3 is no extensive Scalability, but intensive Scalability works well. 4 is full extensive Scalability. 5 is full extensive and Intensive Scalability.
- modularity. O is dedicated parts, used nowhere else in Set. 1 is a single common module. 2 is 10% of modulesused in other machines, and 3/is same as 2 but many (5+) other machines use the modules. 4 - most of device is common modules. 5- all of the modules are used in other machines.
- Unique parts count. 0 is >100 unique parts or modules. When there is under 10 unique parts, that is 5. This depends on the complexity of the machine.
- robustness - is the performance robust under all circstances, or are there many failure modes, requiring frequent repair and maintenance? Is productivity excellent, or must it be slowed down or modified unde certain conditions?
- product Ecology - the number of other machines that this machine produces, or works in conjunction with, or feeds, or is fed by? Are there common feedstock? Does this machine build other machines? Does this machine use other machines in the set?
- sourcing - reliability of sourcing. 0 is when there is a monopoly on the supply, and price or availability are quite limited and variable. 1 is when there is more than one supplier, but they are not widely available around the world. 2 is when there are some suppliers around the world, but the supply is still variable and intermittent. 3 is good representation around the world, but not in general a local supply. 4 is when many local suppliers exist, and can ship to spec. 5 is where the supply is produced in house.
- Fabrication Paralleling. If unique parts are low, and majority of the same operations can be done at least by 12 people, then it's 5. If only some of fab can be massively paralleled, the it's 4. If most of fab cannot be highly parallel, but some if it can then it's 3. 2 is when none of the fab can be highly parallel, such as only 4 people can engage. 1 is when entire process is linear, but at least a few people can be allocated to linear tasks. 0 is when the entire process is linear, and only up to a pair can work on each task. Best case is when there is a low number of steps, and each step is done by an unlimited number of people, limits donly by body count and tool count. This means that it's a fully modular design.
- Lifetime Design. 5 if machine can live for ever as it can be repaired or modified for ever, or fully cannibalized as feedstock?
- Distributive Enterprise - are the operational models and tech blueprints available, and is economic analysis available? That is a 3. If there is trai ing available, that is 4. 5 is incubation assistance, where as part of the program, propel produce teh infrastructure, capitalization, and skills required for Enterprise replication? 2 is where the operations are not well documented, but the design is open source. 1 is where there is open source blueprints for tech, but no more on operations. 0 is whenever it is a not open source design.
- Collaborative design. 1 - an open communicagion venue exists within community, and the design is open source. 2 - a development toolkit is available for assisting in development. 3 - a good open source CAD platform with part libraries exists for design collaboration. 4 - clear documentation of: community contract, roadmap, governance, product documentation, overall specification including vision and mission, priorities, resources, team, status, history, and routes towards involvement 5- all of above, including a curated, self-sustaining, scalable OSPD process exists, including a collaborative cloud CAD solution using local computing power for calculation.