OSE Standards
'Note- page needs updating.
Recently, the project has been growing significantly, so standards definition is gaining in importance.
OSE Founder proposes the following strategy for replication/branding/identity for open hardware development under the OSE label:
- Develop standards for the meaning of Open Source Ecology operations
- Refactoring OSE Specifications to human readable form
- Get advice from flossfoundations.org as the closest allied organization for identity/standards creation,
- Integrate with GitHub as a hardware repository for commits, including developing web-3D viewing and 3D diffs for hardware designs
- Evolve development standards to these required elements:
- Technical development: SEBD, Conceptual Drawings, Design Rationale, Fabrication Procedure, Fabrication Drawings, BOM, Sourcing, CAD, Exploded Part Diagram, CAM files, Toolchain Specifications, Instructional Video, Test Results - to GitHub repository. Official commits approved by Project Leaders and Project Director. Project Curator approves all Project Leaders
- Development Process Streamlining: Recruiting OSE Spec Review - scoring a particular approach, after clarifying score methodology (based on OSE Specifications, applied to a particular product; Testing; Iteration
- Define the OSE License for physical products
OSE Mission
OSE follows these goals:
- Development of the GVCS, a minimal yet robust infrastructure platform for a complete economy, according to OSE Specifications by year-end 2012
- Development of the first prototype community of 200 people to demonstrate the feasibility of a post-scarcity economy based on the GVCS, by year-end 2014
- Viral self-replication by year-end 2016
To protect the identity of OSE from corruption, a trademark upon OSE has been suggested. While OSE is an open source project, a trademark would give legal protection to the OSE brand so that someone does not corrupt the identity.
The suggested model of governance is a Chain of Command, Nonexclusive, Meritocracy.
OSE Entities, Chapters, Branches
What does an OSE Facility/Operation, Affiliate, Developer, User Group mean? These are the requirements for any group to call itself an 'OSE' group:
- Adherence to the OSE Mission
- Setting up of a Charter, to be approved by founder of OSE as an officially endorsed OSE group
See OSE Local Chapters and OSE Member Organizations.
The main OSE initiative is the OSE Developer group. Another one is a User Group: group that uses GVCS tools and has an approved charter. A fork is a group that uses the GVCS or derivatives, but does not hold an approved charter.
OSE Development Group: Facility/Branch/Chapter/Production Facility/Developer/Ally
An OSE Development Group does the following:
Phase 1: Until 2013 - Engages actively in the development of GVCS Technologies
Phase 2: After 2013 - Engages actively in the construction of a real economy based on GVCS Technologies
An OSE Group, to gain that title, must:
- Allocate resources to GVCS development
- OSE Director sets development and allocation priorities
- Board of Advisors, appointed by the Director, advises Director on allocation decisions
- Phase 1: All allocation decisions are made by Director to further the development of the GVCS
- Phase 2: OSE entities begin controlling allocation for prototyping of Phase 2 goals in their respective locations
- Charter may be revoked at any time for misconduct
An OSE Producer follows another contract, to be defined on a case-by-case basis.
OSE Developer
OSE Developers
OSE License Strategy
- No restrictions on use
- OSE Label - only to those who follow OSE Specifications and commit improvements to the commonwealth
- OSE License - not legal but effectively legal
- Free to produce commercially under own label, with attribution
- 5% tithe to produce under OSE Label, where funding is used to create further documentation (evolving instructional and training materials for rapid learning) and develop standards
- Fabricator certification required to produce under OSE Label