OSE Sticker
(Redirected from OSE Stickers)
January 2019
From JB Log-
Tue 15
Here is the print ready PDF file for the 4x2inch OSE sticker
The PDF includes a 0.125 inch bleed as specified by the printer
and here is the source SVG file and ai file just in case
After followup - the tighter spacing is a winner.
Note: these threads have about 50 answers each. Click on the date to access FB to read the comments.
- OSE Sticker dimensions: 2"x4"
- Automation - We are trying to set up an API with on-demand production and automatic fulfillment - such that you or anyone can alse sell these stickers, as part of our Distributive Enterprise concept. That means the process design is open source for how you can embed the sales instance of T-shirts, or stickers, with automatic fulfillment, on your own site or wherever so you can get passive cash flow if people order from you. We would provide the process information, templates, and code for enabling this, as a radical departure to sharing economic power. While t-shirts and stickers are somewhat trivial in terms of fulfilling pressing needs, we are applying the same principle to economically significant production of GVCS machnies. Licenses under the OSE License for Distributive Enterprise.
- By sharing these under the CC-BY-SA license, we are asking for others to do the same with their assets, such that an open source economic ecosystem is realized.
- Sticker files, fulfillment details -
- Download source - File:Osesticker.zip
- Spreadsheet with prices - [1]
- Bulk Stickers
- Jean-Baptiste_Log#Tue_15
- Jean-Baptiste_Log#February_2017
- Fulfillment 2012 - [2]