OSE Turnkey Enterprise
Study with OSE for 6 months as a non-builder but an entrepreneur builder - you are the contractor who goes out in the field, then you hire your construction manager. Earn $1.2M net, run crews of 24.
- We provide crew of 24 to you
- They get paid $50/hr
- Business model does infill/new construction
- We provide house plans, support.
- You learn: construction crash course (participate in 3 full builds) - first you build, second you quality control, third you manage foremen and quality control; construction management crash course; BOM and logistics course. Machine operation, site prep, foundation, hiring any contractors, acquiring permits etc.
- Cost covers recruiting and training 24 Seed Eco-Home builders ($576k) - if they pay for all tuitions at $24k each.
- OSE recruits two crew leaders + 24 apprentices
- Clients may typically be cities looking for affordable housing
- Enterprise is capable of 48 houses per year, and features Scanlon Plan incentives for workers. 2.4M net annual.
- Addresses labor force, continuing R&D, marketing infrastructure. Structurally designed for collaboration, radical work force (continued learning and production improvement), and continued product dev via collaboration and open source.
- How is it improve relations over VC capital? VC capital cannot match this because it doesn't collaborate and distribute,therefore Evolution Opportunity Cost kills the non-distributive route. Holy shit.