OSE Wikispeed Development Procedure
This is a procedure applied to each product of the GVCS. This is intended to become a generalized platform for open source product development. Stakeholder is an individual, and an Organization (OSE) develops a greater network of Funders, Subject Matter Experts, Review Teams, Advisory Boards, Communications, Extreme Manufacturing Platform, etc.
- Stake Holder Defines Goals for Product - Strategy: moonshot thinking for sound design. Work Product: one sentence or paragraph defining the product at the broadest level posted on the wiki, with wiki page dated for currency. Stake Holder maintains a list of Goals and Product OwnersEx. I want a car that gets 100 mpg that is also integrated into the overall product ecology of the GVCS, such as power cube interchangeability, gasifier burner, pelletized biomass fuel.
- Stake Holder Identifies and Recruits Product Owner (person with clear, but evolvable, vision) - Work Product: Subject Matter Expert Contract(defining responsibilities) written with assistance of Shuttleworth Foundation, posted on the wiki, dated. Open IP/Distributive Enterprise clause agreed upon. Checklist is part of contract - Subject Matter Expert Checklist - defining all aspects of relationship including SME qualifications and contact info, assessment of Open Culture embodied by SME, etc.
- Product Owner Recruits Scrum Master - or Process Coach. Work Product: Scrum Master Contract (defining responsibilities) written with assistance of Shuttleworth Foundation, posted on the wiki, dated. Open IP/Distributive Enterprise clause agreed upon. Backlog is part of contract - Project Deliverables Checklist - defining all user stories required to deliver initial Stake Holder goals.
- Scrum Master recruits Project Team - Work Product: team members published on wiki, with photograph, intro video with hours of commitment, contracts. Smart phone rapid vlogging and open IP policy established with team. Checklist -OSE Wikispeed Development Team Requirements.
- Product Owner Defines Product Specifications + Design Rationale - Work Product: written specification + design rationale posted as a separate page on the wiki, dated.
- Scrum Master deploys team and documents all results on wiki - Scrum Master (SM) maintains list of and recruits further members for Extreme Manufacturing Subject Matter Expert Team. SM instigates progress and Reviews. Project Team produces results and vlogs, SM documents and organizes all of this on Wiki and in Connexions platform. SM submits reviewed Budget to Stake Holder. Communicates with Stakeholder on any blocks. Instigates Swarming within Project Team or with other project SMs.