On The Need for Dry Storage Areas in CEB Workflows

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  • This page explores the problem of rain, and moist soil in CEB production
  • (Giant page title, may need to fix that?)

User:Eric rant

Intro bit

So in watching the video updates on the CEBs in Belize, they are doing great, and discovering some great tricks you only know by fiddling around with stuff

They are also finding some bugs/issues

One was the valve/control system failing, but that is for another page

What THIS is about is the issue of what to do in a wet climate, or if there is a bad weather spell, and the schedual can't be pushed back

Rain Cover Options

Option A: Tarp Tents

  • This is what they did in belize, worked pretty well, and is easy to source materials for/bring from offsite
  • Balically tarps, rope, and possibly poles to make a sort of tent, I belive they called it "tent city" (existing objects such as building roofs and trees can be used as "poles" as well)
  • The main issues for this are leaks, on video showed the impact of this, and that it doesn't scale up well
  • May Struggle with Wind

Option B Expandable Four Sided Tents + Tarp Augmentation

  • Use a few of these types of tents, and fill in gaps with tarps if need be
  • Quick to set up, doesn't require poles/mounting spots like tarps, less costly/complex than option c or d
  • May Struggle With Wind

Option C: Geodesic Domes

  • Geodesic Domes with either have a cloth cover, or use sheets of some sort as panels, or both
  • Medium size
  • Semi Permanent
  • Wind Resistant
  • Not Cubic/Rectangular, so vertical is more constrained
  • Also requires more materials along with option d (ASlthough nthis may be reduced if local materials are incoperated into the design

Option D: Commercial Tent/Onion Tent/Truss Arch Shelter

  • Arch Shelter Style Tents
  • Lage and Up Size ( SpaceX is currently usaing supersized versions of this for prototype assembly (albeit partial componets) )
  • Semi Permanent
  • Wind Resistant
  • Has Much more vertical space than geodesic domes
  • Can be large enough to cover the whole process, although this isn't neccisary in most instances
  • Requires Pipe Framing, which is complex and may require a scissor lift for setup (need to see if welded or bolted as well)
  • Quite costly premade, but could be made with standard pipe and sewn/welded tarps most likely (Although saftey testing etc would be needed)
  • Most likely size would be around that of a garage or slightly larger

Ground Water + Runoff Management Methods

Drainage Ditches

  • Although
  • ~ 10-30 Deep at deepest point
  • ~ 45 degree slope
  • "V" or "\_/" shape
  • Preferably lead towards a lower area
  • For small scale and/or low rain a ditch around the perimeter alone should work
  • For larger areas/worse rain, a ditch leading to a downhill ditch that dumps the water downhill in a more controlled manner, or more likely a small temporary retention pond may be neccisary
  • May be filled with rocks/gravel for stability as well

Retention Pond

  • This is more semi permanent, and only makes sense larger scale
  • Dig a small artificial pond
  • This will fill with runoff water, and and also may serve as a larger dirt source

French Drain

  • More Complex
  • Near Permanent
  • Requires more materials (Pipe etc)

Further Areas To Study + Stuff to Plan

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