Open Source Gaseous Fuel Compressor
- A device for compressing combustible gasses {Hydrogen, Syngas, Natural gas/Methane) from low or near atmospheric pressure, to high pressure for storage and transportation via Pipeline Transport
- This does not do much cleaning of the gas, outside of a small failsafe perhaps (Condensate, and Water Traps/Filters?), as that should be done by the Biogas Upgrader stage
- It need clean inputs such as from a Biogas Upgrader
- Uses a Centrifugal Pump, Diaphram Pump or an Ionic Liquid Piston Based Gas Compressor
Industry Standards
Low Pressure Pumps
- BÜHLER Models (Diaphram or peristalic? it says "bellows") ]
- Diaphram Pump ~600 USD, can pump liquid flammibe fuels (gas too then?)
High Pressure Pumps
- An Alibaba Search for Dedicated 250 Bar CNG Compressors minimum seems to be ~3,000 USD
Low Pressure Tanks
High Pressure Tanks
- Q-Lite Line these seem to be the high end, yet light variety of tank