Open Source Pedal Powered Quadracycle
From Open Source Ecology
- A Four Wheeled Bicycle of sorts
- Original Version will be a Two Seat, with a small trunk, and a trailer hitch
- A Cheap People/Cargo Mover for local areas (no fuel, little maitnence)
- Modular, so can start out as frame + drivechain + seats only, and grow into essentially an ac-less small car (low speed)
- Can also add a motor (assist) later if desired
Industry Standards
Existing Open Source Designs
N55 System
American Speedster
University Studies/Designs
Minimum Viable Product
Rough Sketches
Top Down View
Basic Design
- Two pedals (one for each person)
- Clutch on each for each person being able to not have feet "pushed" if not pedaling, or if there is not a seccond person
- Then goes to a gearbox
- Then goes to both wheel axles (possibly a differental on each)?
- Also optional KERS using a flywheel and clutch for non-electric boost for stop/go and hills etc
- Most likely standard "bike" tires+wheels
- May need non-spoke versions for better load capacity (ie more like motorcycle/car wheel hubs)
- Cut Acrylic With Add-on Frame
Onboard Battery
- Small battery up to a 12v lead acid for onboard electronics, and systems (if wanted)
- Could also add a roof mounted flexible solar cell array
- Then misc things like headlights, turn signals, bike computer, internal lights, radio/stereo/gps etc
Trailer Hitch
Internal Links
External Links