Open Source Robotic Arms

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  • This page lists the current open source robotic arms out ther ein the world


HintLightbulb.png Hint: Please include license so there is no controversy

  • Dexter - appears to be open source and trainable - [1]. FPGA controller is $900 itself, full kit about $4k. So it's expensive. Business model appears to sell the control boards. Is there a lower cost to control it?
  • Thor - [2] - License - CC-BY-SA 4.0 - [3]
  • Ergo Jr - [4] - CC-BY-SA
  • BCN3D - MIT license - [5]. Quite sophisticated. Good candidate. Not trainable?
  • Andreas Hoelldorfer is the originator of this - and is continuing development - see comments at [6]
  • CHAP - [7] - BSD
  • Open Source humanoid arm - [8]. GPL, CC-BY-SA


  • Trainable simple arm - [9]

ROS Control

  • ROS visualizer + arduino arm control - [10]
  • ROS + Rviz + arduino + GRBL - [11]

No Go List - Not Open Source

  • Fab Lab Ruc - NC - [12]
  • Niryo One - NC - [13]
  • DOBOT- [14] - from [15]. Proprietary, with open source software replacement - [16]
  • Evil Minion – open control code, closed hardware - [17]
  • Robotic hand from Yale - Hi Aaron, Just noticed that the robotic hand is not open source according to the Open Source Hardware Association definition, as your license is NC. Is there a possibility or interest in your group to make the hand open source? We would like to use your design, but NC is not compatible with our work. You can see what we do in my Global Village Construction Set TED Talk. -MJ - [18]

See Also

Useful Links

  • MoveIt! - [19] - open source robotic arm control software from ROS
  • MoveIt! appears to have trainability featurees - such as CHOMP - [20]