Open Source Small Robotic Arm
- A small robotic arm (Desktop or slightly bigger)
- Is less industrial in nature, used for small scale task instead
Used For
- Small Scale Industrial Machienes
- Programing debugging/testing
- Hobby/art projects
- Education
Industry Standards
- Dobot M1
Existing Open Source Designs
- This site has a nice long list of kickstarters etc.
- The one in this youtube video
Minimum Viable Product
- Low Cost
- Low Overall Size
- Low Power Consumption
- Low Noise
- DC and AC Power in
- Many Control Options (Wired Via USB, Wired Via Ethernet, Wifi, Bluetooth, RC, Zigbee, etc)
- High Precision + Accuracy
- Modular End Effector (ie can be a hand, a claw, a gripper, a suction cup, a flexible plastic gripper, a soldering iron etc)
Basic Design
Power Source
- See the Open Source Robotic Arm Controller
Arm Segments
- See The Open Source Robotic Arm Segment
- This will be scaled down a bit though
End Effector(s)
See Also
Useful Links