Open Source Space Grade Robotic Arm

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- Basically a open source "Canadarm" Like that on the Space Shuttle, or the International Space Station

Used For

- Collaboration with "Copenhhagen Suborbital"

- Working with governmental space agencies as a subcontrator

- Open Source Spacecraft Construction Set

Industry Standards

- Canadarm (Wikipedia Page on it)

Existing Open Source Designs


Minimum Viable Product

- Same or better than the Canadarm

- Essentially just extreme envirometnal hardening for space (temperature, hard vacuum, 0-G enviroment, Radiation, Micrometorite/space junk impact) + G-hardening/Vibration Hardening for launch into space

Basic Design

Robotic Arm

Robotic Arm

- Either the Open Source Medium Robotic Arm Open Source Large Robotic Arm or the Open Source Snake Style Robotic Arm


- Either hard shell, a sheath, or some combination of both



See Also


See Also


Useful Links
