Permissive vs Copyleft Licenses

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Rory provides a good overview of permissive vs copyleft licensing at


Permissive licenses allow the most freedom. However, that includes the freedom to be an asshole - ie, take others' work, and not contribute any improvements back to the development community.

Copyleft licenses provide less freedom. They enforce - or put more strongly - coerce - developers to contribute improvements back to the community. This is not freedom - but it is responsible and ethical. If you stand upon the shoulders of giants, why not give give back - to allow others to see further? Isaac Newton said back in 1675: "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."

OSE suggests copyleft licenses, unless copyleft licenses offend too many people. OSE suggests permissive licenses, unless it offends too many stakeholders. See OSE License.