Personal CNC Mill vs CNC Router vs CNC Mill vs Vertical Machining Center
From Open Source Ecology
- This page aims to clear up some confusion / Terminology Hell around CNC Mills and CNC Routers
- "Desktop CNC" / "CNC Machine" etc often fill a grey area between personal cnc mill, and cnc mill
Personal CNC Mills
- These are desktop units, typically in the low to mid 100 USD's scale, and often don't have many features built in
- Examples:
CNC Router
- These are CNC Mills, but mainly designed for cutting, and engraving + mild sculpting of wood
- Also can do Plastic, Acrylic, Carbon Fiber Fabric Reinforced Plastic etc, but 2/3 of the time they are running wood
- Usually giant X/Y, with minimal Z
- No integrated cooling, but typically an integrated Dust Shoe for use with Central Sawdust Collection Systems
- Examples:
CNC Mill
- Can be desktop, but may need it's own table/mount
- High Power Spindle + Integrated Flood Cooling
- Can be enclosed, but doesn't have to be
- Can cut Steel etc
Vertical Machining Center
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