Population Density of Cities

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First Principle Population Densities

Based on energetics and area, and the ability to run circular material cycles - what is the least possible scale at which human settlements can occur? This is a basic question for any Movement Entrepreneur or Microstate Entrepreneur.



Take even the largest cities.

NYC metro area at 18M and 7000 sq km. That is still only 6 people per acre. But note this is not just Manhattan, but a much larger area that includes beaches and parks.

7000 sq km is 1.7M acres. So about 10 people per acre. By the same density, Factor e Farm would need to have only 300 people to achieve the same density. And the question is - can 100% sustainability happen at the scale of Factor e Farm to match the population density of NYC, but in a completely ethical and healthy way?

But, if we take NYC proper - from a List of USA Cities - 8 M people per 300 sq miles. 192k acres. So 42 people per acre - 1000 sf per person. This literally does mean that people must be stacked one on top of the other - in highrise buildings. However, pressed to the limits with aquaponics - this could still almost feed people 100% diet - but only in 100% closed loop material cycles for waste reclamation with fungi, worms plants, animals, bacteria under managed culture.