Post-Scarcity Economy
The post-scarcity economy is an economic paradigm that does not rely on Artificial Scarcity as a means to Competitive Advantage - both of which are shitty mental models.
Th mission of OSE is to end artificial scarcity via creation of the Open Source Economy.
OSE's route to creating this transition is to create a replicable autonomous microstate that embodies a full economy, on the scale of Dunbar's Number in population. This indicates that such an experiment must have zero waste, and must at the same time allow for cultural and scientific advancement.
Study of Existing Post-Scarcity Economy Proposals
Many people have written on the topic. We take a look at contemporary proposals, and explore the opportunities in limits. Whenever the effort is open source, we negotiate with the authors for further collaboration.
In the News
- Relationship to Attention Economy pointed out in [1]. Article footnote 1 under Attention Economy points out that we are not talking about economic scarcity, but political scarcity. This is important - from first principles, nobody argues that we have economic scarcity. Just scarcity of distribution, which is a political artifact. This artifact, however, starts with our minds. Regarding Attention Economy - what is the lesson for OSE? We may say not so much that 'attention becomes more valuable' but simply placed in a different area. In the former economy, people attended to production much more. In the current economy, production is guaranteed, but scarcity remains. Attention is given not to production, but to 'attention per se' - where people draw value from the economy, and through their 'attention' redistribute it upwards - to those who get their attention. This is not a desirable outcome, as it is another manifestation of poor Distribution of Wealth.