- Conversion of Electricity (ie power) to Non-Fuel Chemicals
- This is typically chemicals using Syngas or Hydrogen as a feedstock
- It Could Also be "Feeding" a Bioreactor , that is using microbes and/or algae to valuable chemicals, Hydrogen , or even electricity itself in a Reverse Microbial Fuel Cell etc
Internal Links
External Links
- A Video by the Youtube Channel "Just Have a Think" Titled "Hydrogen energy storage in AMMONIA: Fantastic future or fossil fuel scam?" ( ~12 Minute Watch )
- Although framed moreso as a power storage media, they do mention agricultural/industrial/scientific use as well
- A Video by the Youtube Channel "Just Have a Think" Titled "Decarbonising AMMONIA production. Could a revolutionary new process be the key?" ( ~12 Minute Watch )
- Discusses a novel method of Direct Electrolytic Ammonia Production (Given it's like an Electrolyser it should work better with Intermittent Power unlike the Haber-Bosch Process which runs best continously supposedly (to prevent Catalyst Poisoning i guess) , but that may just be an economic need to keep the machine going not a technical like the poisoning explanation would suggest? Need to look into this). Either way since this is at STP / near it, it should be more energy efficient