Definition of a Diffusion Ebook
DIFFUSION eBooks are shareable paper books that are free to download, print and make up (in A4 and US Letter PDF formats). Distributed primarily via the internet, DIFFUSION eBooks are accessible to people across the world, especially where it would not be economical, or physically possible, to distribute traditional books. eBooks can be shared electronically or as material objects – scanned, photocopied, emailed or posted. The eBooks bridge analogue and digital media by taking the reader away from the computer screen and engaging them with the handmade.
General design guidelines
Extent: the number of pages needs to a multiple of 4.
Font size: No smaller than 10pt. Folded the books are A6, this really only allows for around 250 words per page maximum.
Printable area: All domestic printers are unable to print to the edge of the page, though by how much varies widely so don't use designs that go right to edge (known as 'full bleed' in printing jargon).