Pyrolysis Oil Handling Precautions
From Open Source Ecology
- Given Pyrolysis Oil Contains Various Hydrocarbons it should be handled carefully to avoid harm to personell and the enviroment
- Need to look for specifics, i know Benzene , and Propene etc can be quite hazardous, and are common in these "intermediaries" ?
- This page goes over the risks, precautions to avoid them, and methods to negate any accidental release of pyrolysis oil (small volumes such as tipping over a container, or having resedue in washing water, not large scale oil spills !)
- Also need to see if Vapor Cloud Explosions are a risk
Basic PPE
- Face Sheild
- Gloves (Need to look into materials, given some of these chemicals in the o i l may be solvents to some?
- Well ventilated area, and if not a filter-mask
Seccondary Safety Equipment
- Spill Palet
- Can be improvised via a "kiddie pool" assuming it is insoluable to the involved chemicals
- Wash Station (wash bottle, or faucet/hose)
- Spill-Kit
- Paper Towels
- Plenty of water
- Spray Detergent (to act as a Dispersant )
- Optional containment "booms" (something to keep it from "running" around)
- Optional "squegee" type things to push the liquid around
- Optional dropper for potential recovery of some (if a large enough quantity is spilled
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