Rapid Learning Facility Concept

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The concept of the RLF is a capacity to take "people off the street" - ie - anyone regardless of their current skill or experience - and immediately employ them in productive work by virtue of carefully-prepared, immersive learning content that allows for learning while producing. Such a capacity, aided by an online infrastructure including online instructionals, AR cell phone apps, the ability to identify parts by scanning them with an app, Visual Workshop aspects, remote control and guidance, guidance via computer monitors or AR apps - allows untrained individuals to engage in productive work immediately. A person enters the facility or environment, receives a printed assignment - and is guided immediately through chat bots and real people to complete build tasks. The person also plays a massive online multiplayer game to prepare for the build session as needed. As a person gains skills and capacity, they are permitted to engage in digital fabrication and automated production activity which can be run remotely.

This capacity allows for on-demand production to happen any time and anywhere that such a Rapid Learning Facility is found. A person can fit in according to their skill set. If they are compltely unskilled, they can engage in rapidly-learned unskilled assembly. If they have prior skill, they can choose tasks as appropriate.

Individuals can opt in to higher skilled tasks by taking online instructionals and passing an automated certification system that assesses their skill set accurately. A person needs to understand the concept of how a Rapid Learning Facility, an aspect of the open sector, operates. Tasks completed have a financial reward or credit exchangeable for various products. As such, the RLF serves as a training, production, collaborative production, or collaborative design facility linked to on-demand production. A wide range of common goods is producible - essentially - anything you can find on Amazon. People can enter as workers who get paid, as students who pay for education, or as producers who engage in efficient production as part of an open sector flexible and digital fabrication facility.

The RLF has many facilities that replicate the entire industrial base of civilization, from appliances, to agriculture products, semiconductors, metals, chemicals, fuel, vehicles, aerospace, precision parts, and many others - all which offer rapid learning tracks just like appliance assembly.

The interesting part comes in as people learn collaborative literacy, and learn to design products collaboratively to increase the value of the RLF ecosystem. Moreover, the governance fosters abundance thinking and material security, paving a way for a bright future where everyone is taken care of. One of the key outcomes is training individuals for abundance thinking, as people can have a guaranteed source of revenue, or can be trained as production managers and entrepreneurs if they are more ambitious and would like to take on some of the more advanced features of the facility. Markets are guaranteed for some of the common goods produced in the facility, and credits can be gained for producing various non-perishable, and always-in-demand commodities such as steel, cars, solar panels, food items, appliances, etc. The freeloader dilemma is addressed that you either pay to play, or produce value, or get hired based on competence - hence the incentive is for maximum learning which is available online with zero access barriers. Both entrepreneurial types and fixed mindset types can participate, as long as everyone follows the basic social contract of being excellent to each other. The rules are basic, such than no assholes are allowed, such that transparent metrics of skill, character, and discipline are maintained in proportion to the requirement of a specific activity. To join, basic competency must always be demonstrated in proportion to the activity taken on, from growing lettuce to producing microchips.

By virtue of modular design, the production capacity is readily expanded in the RLF framework to increase production - such as in an emergency - as a wide base of machinery is available. It is a full responsibility and full liability operation, where individuals are required to take full responsibility for their actions. The products made in the facility are taken from a menu of open source design, and a transparent skill certification system immediately allows people to qualify for using tools that they are certified in. A facility manager keeps everything in working order, as an open source panopticon operation - meaning transparent video feed both for record-keeping, documentation, quality control, and compliance - for what is going on as a means to assure a safe and vibrant community. Members set the rules, within a basic set of parameters that includes following safety protocols, standard operating procedures, and a social contract that avoids the tragedy of the commons. This means that individuals are certified for their character and virtues in addition to their technical experience, and moral intelligence boot camp, combined with abundance intelligence training - are required for any participant who would like to transition from trial- to full-membership as a steward of the enterprise.
