Seed Eco-Home Future Work
From Open Source Ecology
- 2029 - Solar hydrogen filling station added to every home.
- 2025 - Apprenticeship first cohort
- 2028 - Apprenticeship 10th cohort
- 2026 - full heating/cooling off-grid
- 2027 - IFWMS with Aquaponic Greenhouse as a service.
- 2027 - robotic agriculture added to edible landscape, producing $2000 of food per year in the same time it takes to mow a lawn.
- 2027 - micro factory added for producing lifetime design household goods and appliances
- 2027 - mobile micro house release as field office, emergency housing, humanitarian purposes, etc.
- 2029 - materials recycling into soil, plastic, and metal. Capacity of 50 lb billets as a distributed production feedstock for plastic, metal, and agriculture industries.
- 2029 - mobile micro factory units, such as for mobile hydrogen stations, solar steel, solar concrete, solar plastic.
- Mobile CEB plant including autonomous tractor and support equipment. Mobile sheet roller and painter.
- Mobile power tool and cordless tool plant - 3DP, tool and die, metal, motors, water jet, machine center.
- Micro hydrogen engines running on battery size cylinders.
- Collaborative. There is no specialists or office workers. Eternal startup. Rigorous open flywheel development on the SEH
- Genius track to reinvent education. Genius track selects for grit and character, and pays for an experiment to reinvent integrated intelligence. Recruiting may occur from top prep schools, but selecting for grit and character, ie, humility. This means that we may be in for a surprise regarding character sources. It may be that character is found in a different place, forged of suffering.
- Deliciously killable low hanging fruit. Mix robust tech with dev, such as PV-inverter, induction furnace-rolling, 3DP with filament making and high T, hydrogen compression with hydrogen engine + electrolyze, etc. Drones with GIS + open drones. Robot dog with CV. Tractors with RTK GPS. GIS with photogrammetry with FreeCAD with mission planning with drone/rover with AI for autonomous delivery, foundations, mapping. Create an integrated architecture for the above, including ATC for implements. The Automation Ninja part is compelling, as it addresses the AI Apocalypse at the heart.
- Bootstrapped with augmentation. House funds it. Revenue goes to development. Design gets funded based on Stewardship Committee of Steve, Colby, Sunny, Alicia, maybe Balaji, maybe the collapsitarians such as Schmachtenberger. Requirements are enterprise savvy, integrated thinking, collaborative individuals.
- Augmentation is funding of education and productization based on proven merit of execution. Foundations, high net worths, etc top off the funding.
- Problemsolving. Institution of integrated, lifelong learning, and global problemsolving: educate people, plant trees, use clean energy, and distribute power..