Sent 1 - Joel West, Ph.D. - 3.19.09

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I saw your work on the P2P Foundation site. Allow me to introduce our work. We are building the world's first, replicable, open source, off-grid, Global Village. P2P Foudnation called us the 'most important social experiment in the world.'

Please view our Distillations videos -

It was also said that we've got the "next best thing since the coming of Christ and the horseless carriage - combined." I'd like to hear your comments, as we're doing market research regarding the relevance of our work to modern society.

If you agree with our claim, please subscribe ( ) . If not, please tell us what we are missing in general, and would be more convincing to you regarding our relevance.




Thanks for writing. I'm probably not the right person to assess your project and its progress. It's been a while since I've had biology and I usually spend my waking moments thinking about ICT rather than DNA.

Also, I have an inherently narrow view of "open source" as being something that conforms to the OSI definition rather than broader applications to areas outside ICT.

However, I wish you well in your progress. In some ways, it sounds like something Heinlein might have predicted (although perhaps aboard a space ship or moon base).
