Category:Marketing Sent

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We have deployed general social network marketing by February, 2009. In March, we are starting to contact other stakeholders more directly, from the Open Everything category at the P2P Foundation site.

Our general procedure is to send an inquiry email, introducing ourselves, asking for feedback on our approach, asking people to talk to us further on the phone to introduce them to the project, and ask for suggestions on how we could succeed in our 2 year program. If they are interested in our work, we ask them to subscribe to our 1000 True Fans campaign.

There is a large number of academic, strategy, funding, and other information economy interests. In discussions with the P2P community, we should inquire, among other things, about:

  • University lecture possibilities
  • Collaborative product development platforms
  • Collaborative funding strategies
  • Student research projects, in service learning opportunities
  • Review/bid candidates, and others for the Resource Map

General Guideline: Our first step towards attracting 1000 True Fans and therefore GVCS completion - on time - is to assess the willingness to help - on part of the greater P2P community. The P2P community is already familiar with and supportive of open economic development. This is perhaps our best market for additional support and collaboration - from people who are already doing work with the same philosophical basis. I personally feel that this ethical support is sufficient to invite someone to become a True Fan - understanding that the risk needs to be shared for a risky proposition. I think a simple personal invitation is highly effective at extracting 33 cents per day for 2 years from any P2P elite. Thus, the approach is to, first, make sure that every leader of the open source/P2P community finds out about our work and needs - before we move on to any other marketing venues. We need only 1000 supporters, so this is definitely a worthwhile avenue for engaging those who are already supportive of open source.

Specific Guidelines

  1. Take each entry from the Articles in category "Open" at the bottom of
  2. Email them in a fashion similar to the sample emails below
  3. Record the fact that you have contacted someone at (this page) by putting a note so that it appears in the Index of Articles. Title the article as Sent_# - Name - Date. For example, Sent 3 - Art is Open Source - 3.19.09 is an entry in the index at the bottom of this page. This is the 3rd group contacted. There is 400 or so total. Just go through the list one by one - and see the last person contacted. The number should correspond to the group on the Open category, in a linear fashion.

This way, we start with the 400 or so articles in the category Open, and go through the whole list, one by one.

Sample Email

HTML Version

Just copy the below and paste:

Dear ______,

I just found your work on the P2P Foundation site under the category of Open Everything.

We are building the world's first, replicable, open source, off-grid, Global Village. The P2P Foundation has called us the most important social experiment in the world.

Please view an introductory video for our 2 year program.

I'd like to hear your comments, as we're doing market research regarding the relevance of our work to a P2P economy, and we're looking for your input on approach and strategy. If you are interested in carrying this important discussion further - please email me back.

Please consider subscribing to this work. If you do not find this work compelling, please let us know what we are missing in general, and what would be more convincing to you. Please pass this on to others who may be interested in our work.


Marcin Jakubowski, Ph.D. (bio)

Without HTML

Dear ______,

I just found your work on the P2P Foundation site under the category of Open Everything.

We are building the world's first, replicable, open source, off-grid, Global Village. P2P Foundation called us the most important social experiment in the world -

Please view an introductory video for our 2 year program - .

I'd like to hear your comments, as we're doing market research regarding the relevance of our work to a P2P economy, and we're looking for your input on approach and strategy. If you are interested in carrying this important discussion further - please email me back.

Please consider subscribing to this work at If you do not find this work compelling, please let us know what we are missing in general, and what would be more convincing to you. Please pass this on to others who may be interested in our work.


Marcin Jakubowski, Ph.D.

(see for bio)


We have 34 True Fans as of March 19, 2009. This is nowhere close to our goal of 1000, so we need to continue direct marketing. There is at least 400 orgnanizations at the P2P Foundation site, and our plan is to contact these people over the next month.


Also previously contacted RU Sirius, James Clement, PZ Myers, Randall Parker, Noam Chomsky, and a bunch of other very random people. Probably to no avail. Anybody know any good libertarians who are open source enthusiasts?