Shuttleworth Foundation Quarterly Report - August
Back to Marcin Jakubowski
- The purpose of this update is to showcase your work of the past 3 months and map the next 3 months.
- Be brief. Summarise, do not recreate.
- Link to posts, event profiles, etc. wherever possible.
- Include dates wherever possible.
What did you make?
Our team has:
- built the small backhoe for treching
- cut our first dimensional lumber pieces with the Open Source Dimensional Sawmill
- built and tested the Cold Saw
- built the[Trencher Prototype]
- Subsoiler Prototype I, [installed 20kW of 3-phase power in workshop], [drilled well], trenched water lines, finished last 4 rooms of Hablab so they are ready for installation of heat for winter, completed design of CEB Press Prototype IV, planted garden, built another Hexayurt.
We also continued exploring Flashy XM project oversight platform.
Where did you go?
TED Global at end of June, after the Shuttleworth Gathering, after the Thiel Fellows Reception in San Francisco to see Yoonseo win the Thiel Fellowship.
What have you been saying?
Continued with uncontrollable vlogging (approximately 450 new vlogs including Daily Standup meeting), Continued with blogging at blog, getting a documentary produced on our work. Coined the term Open Native - as in Digital Native - for those people to whom open is part of their innate culture.
Who is joining your thinking?
Seminal thinking on Distributive Enterprise to be published by MIT Innovations Journal - which will be our first academic publication of the Distributive Enterprise concept. See Levels_of_Openness_in_Human_Enterprise for concept.
Large sugar mill in Guatemala thinks that our tractors could replace their John Deere tractors, and they are building the first LifeTrac by Oct 1.
Your roadmap for the next 3 months
For the next 3 months, we will be developing our bootstrap funding model - producing one CEB Machine in 1 day with 8 people in our workshop - with cross-trained multi-disciplinary people. We are leading up to net earnings of $20k/month by December. To do this, we aim to build a prototype OSE Microhouse and build a fully-shaken down CNC Torch Table.
Your favourite artefact of the past 3 months
3 replications. China replicated our CEB press, sugar mill in Guatemala is building a copy of the Tractor, and 2 high schoold students replicated LifeTrac in Los Angeles to donate to a community garden. But the Collaboratorium was a real peak moment much greater than these.