Small Scale Waste Incineration

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  • This page aims to look at the application of Waste Incineration in the context of a scale similar to Burn Barrels BUT with thought taken to various potential forms of pollution, and ways to prevent/alleviate this.

Reasons for Doing So

  • Disposal of Non-Recyclable Materials (In Areas where Large Scale Processes aren't used for this, just Landfilling) Such As:
  • Privacy/Security ( "Burn Bags" )
    • So Important Documents, Expired Checks/Debit Cards etc
    • Although Shredding and/or Pulping are substitutes to an extent, the issue of local accessibility is another potential justification for small scale waste incineration

Potential Pollution Routes

Unburnt Hydrocarbons/Carbon Monoxide/DPM type soot

  • This is the most straightforward, and the main solution is enough air and heat in the fire
  • Granted Flame Temperature Emissions Curve ranges need to be taken into account (to an extent more heat = more NOx , less heat means more CO etc)
  • Between the small scale+frequency though (compared to Mass Motorization or Grid Scale powerplants etc) this isn't too major of an issue


  • Unlike CO and Hydrocarbons, Dioxins still do pose an issue as they Bioaccumulate
  • How dioxins form, how to minimize this, and how to potentially scrub them from emissions needs to be investigated
    • A TLUD with Charcoal above and below the RDF may be able to trap the dioxins?

Heavy Metals / Misc Elemental Pollutants

  • This is largely an issue of pre-sorting the waste
  • Undyed Paper and Plastics shouldn't have this issue at all
    • Investigating what dyes may contain pollutants that could concentrate in the Bottom Ash etc is something to look in, especially if Ash Utilization is planned
  • Magnetic Strips from Debit Cards and so on may have odd materials in them, granted 1 card per "batch" done every few months or so isn't too significant, needs to be looked into though

Fly Ash Bourne Particulate Matter

  • This cannot be "burned up" unlike Diesel Particulate Matter / Soot type particulate emissions
  • Given scale and frequency shouldn't be TOO huge of an issue, but more dedicated devices could address this with a rudimentary ESP unit etc

Existing Design Evaluation

Open Burning

  • Worst Case Scenario, especially if in a pit (so air cannot enter from the sides unlike if done on a flat surface)

Pan Style Outdoor Fireplace

  • Similar to Open Burning albeit with potentially different thermal characteristics (Better conduction or insulation than soil depending on material used (metal vs ceramic etc)
  • Core Temperature:
  • Flame Temperature:

"Paint Can"


  • Core Temperature:
  • Flame Temperature:

Natural Air Induction

  • IE Holes Drilled in the Bottom and/or Sides for airflow, but no fans or blowers used
  • Core Temperature:
  • Flame Temperature:

Forced Air Induction

  • Core Temperature:
  • Flame Temperature:

55 Gallon Burn Barrel


  • Core Temperature:
  • Flame Temperature:

Natural Air Induction

  • IE Holes Drilled in the Bottom and/or Sides for airflow, but no fans or blowers used
  • Core Temperature:
  • Flame Temperature:

Forced Air Induction

  • Core Temperature:
  • Flame Temperature:

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