Specific Tasks for the Extreme Enterprise Hackathon

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How to coordinate thousands of people in a collaborative effort? Outside of using open and accessible online tools and protocols for collaboration - the tasks themselves must lend themselves to wide collaboration. And, these tasks must be explainable in a short time, and the workflow must be modular such that many people can work in parallel.

The promise is 48,000 hours (2000 people, 24 hour hackathon) of effort. If coordinated effectively, that is equivalent to 24 human years of work! Then the question becomes - how can we leverage such an amount of effort effectively?

The general workflow for publishing involves a number of assets: creative writing, technuical writing, pictures, diagrams, icons, build instructions, workflows, bills of materials, budgets and economic models, potential business plans, training materials, uinstructional videos, diagrams, informative articles about the state of housing, and actual publishing. Since the final product is publication - the most clear way to organize the work is as 2000 pages of content.

We simply allocate ~1 page per person, and 2000 people collaborate on the product in parallel.

However, there is also the presentation level. Each of the 1000 pages should follow coherent formatting, fonts, color scheme, iconography, and content types. Thus:

A graphics team generates a set of icons. These apply as visual headings for content types, as well as icons for representing design information. Thus:

Every single item in the BOM has a technically accurate CAD corresponding to it, and an icon corresponding to the part. The icon allows for visual representation of anything being built - as a visual pattern language. In particular, OSE uses an Open Source Technology Pattern Language so that every product or design can be represented by the icon - as building blocks. This is similar to the periodic table, where any chemical can be represented as a combination of individual atoms.

Every Type of Content, such as a diagram, instructional, calculation, budget, economic analysis, video, explanatory article - has an icon identifying that section as such. Thus, a taxonomy of content type needs to be identified - perhaps 12-100 content types. A good starting place for these may be the items from the {{Template:Development}} or from {{Template:Enterprise}}.

Team Organization


  • Note that a complete correspondence must be secured for the BOM, CAD, and Icons. The *Fabrication Diagram must be able to represent any level of the system: part, assembly, system, complete system.
  • Build procedure - must be able to take any vBOM, CAD picture, Icon - and turn it into a diagram, in addition to simple verbal instructions.
  • Isometrics - must be generated from CAD files according to Language Agnostic Instructionals protocol for creating Language Agnostic Instructionals at the part, assembly, and system level.
  • Icons - there are 2 types of icons. The Inkscape generated art - independent of CAD. This is purely a graphics design task. Or, icons that are generated from the CAD as in Language Agnostic Instructionals. Inkscape generated art also applies to templates for the build package, with Site and Landscape Icons, and templates for presenting standard design information to build departements - Building Package Icons, and Architecture Symbol Icons.
  • Animations - taking the Build Procedure (or Fabrication diagram, or Language Agnostic Instructional) and converting that into a Blender animation.
  • Rendering - based on CAD, BOM, Icons, or Fabrication Diagrams - for product brochure
  • Product Brochure - Book, trifold, few pages portfolio.

Specifically: the BOM is a picture of an item from a website with a blue border linking to the website, or if no website, a wiki page which identifies sourcing information. The ideal BOM is a part, detailed description, link, and cost. The CAD is a completely itemized set of FreeCAD 16 files, at the part, assembly, and system level. The CAD is also the complete assembly in Sweet Home 3D, which is done for Rosebud, but would need to be done for any other model. The Icons are Inkscape files, exported as PNG with clear background, corresponding to every single CAD file.

Generative Nature of Enterprise Guide

  • This enterprise manual teaches how to design any of the ~40 Seed Home 2 models, or a larger number of larger structures (1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, or more). We show the way that the knowledge gained can be applied to other house models - as a way to encourage widespread collaboration on further design. By understanding Design Levels, people can appreciate ways in which they can get involved.
  • The design team will be open to participation only by those skilled in design, architecture, or construction.

Main Teams

  1. Publishing Team - guides Graphics Team on creating all the necessary icons for content type.
  2. Icon Team - publishes all the graphics for all the parts. This is about 500-2000 or so items - corresponding to every single item, tool, and material used in the BOM.
  3. CAD Team - organizes publication ready Galleries for Rosebud in a format that can be inserted into the Enterprise Manual. Prepares CAD for all parts of Rosebud - structure, systems, landscaping, utilities, furniture, appliances - down to every single nut and bolt. Files are organized as structure, fastener only, etc - as needed.
  4. Animations Team - Makes exploded part animations in FreeCAD for how each of the modules comes together. This can be done up to an entire house or subdivision, with 3D navigation in FreeCAD through that model. But, the really professional way is to get Blender artists to produce animations of how parts come together.
  5. Video Instructionals Team - there is a large amount of footage available. This footage can be annotated and turned into instructionals for every single module, step, and technique according to the Collaborative Video Protocol. Overlays with arrows, text, and images are to be used, perhaps using compositing software such as Natron.
  6. Instructionals Team - this team produces instructionals on all the tools that are used in the Seed Eco-Home project - from FreeCAD to Blender to Inkscape to Docs to Wikis - refining the collaborative design aspect of the Enterprise Manual. Thus, we are teaching people how to use both the design tools, and how to produce useful assets (houses, machines) using these tools.