SupporTED Collaboratorium
[hide]Fellows Introductions
Jessica + Marcin + Siva
Logan on TED Fellows Program and Coaching
Fellows Debriefs
Hajj Flemmings - Personal Identity or Brand + Internet Brand
Gerard Cox - Fundraising
Pictures from SupporTED 2012
Expressed Commitments to Marcin
Hear recording: File:Tomarcincommitments.amr
- David - helps craft recruiting message to unbury the lead; helps craft powerful personal message; help with Candy assistance
- Scott - followup on 5 key promises for 2 weeks milestones
- Donna - assesses new message, how it touches her; team chemistry and dynamics; continue to update on how Marcin is doing
- 15 min followup Skype
- Gerard - work sessions
- Candy - input on making vision visible on site at Factor e Farm
- Set up Google group - Gerard
- Stephanie - conversation on small picture - recruit, performance mgmt
- Siva - working together in future, field testing of equipment in India villages
- Sunny - getting Marcin out of operational hell and into soaring; connection to Emily on Hero's Journey
- Marcin - thanks for the love
Marcin's Feedback
If it's worth doing, it's worth doing badly:
Regarding moving work spaces around: It is easy to suffer transition time losses moving from one place to another if teams are flexible in their location - I feel the intense deep dive in a secure quiet space provides the best results from the resulting focus - because of the limited time available.
I feel that the time was so short yet so valuable in general. To make better use of our time, I wish that All The Coaches and Mentors would be assigned with presenting a one-page brief on The Most Kick Ass Resource List I Know Of In My Area of Expertise - Thought Leaders, Books, Templates, Apps and Software, Institutions, Consultants, SMEs, etc. This is because all of us are looking at similar issues of scaling/midcourse correction. I would love to see a set of Universal Resources presented more clearly. This would be in the nature of Key Resources - which I think would be applicable to any enterprise.
Prior to event preparation was weak on my part. This is because the business plan changed so much from the time I started to really consider it seriously. Details kept evolving so fast that parts become obsolete from day to day. But that is perhaps a story of success of rapid evolution engendered by the SupporTED opportunity. I took preparation seriously - to find only that the preconceived plan was totally derailed.
I have been transformed by this loving experience to the point of asking seriously, how do we scale this, and how do I apply this through my work - to help more superheroes not go through the pains that we are going through? I am privileged to have this opportunity - and not many have access to it. Only 10 per year per world! How to scale this model? The impact can be so profound.
It was amazing to have Bill and Ruth Ann open up their world to us - I have new and deep respect for how giving they are. I already knew that about Renee.
Offers to Future Participants
As part of our work with Open Source Ecology - I am focusing on replication of startup enterprise as a core aspect of our work. For this, we are beginning to document best practice of enterprise scaling. So in addition to the Civilization Starter Kit, I would like to create a Disruptive Enterprise Starter Kit. I would like to offer this resource to other Fellows as we develop this, and I would like to work with SupporTED to put together this resource - since it is a Key Resource that our organizational scaling requires. My scaling plan for OSE Incubators ( is to train a number of Distributive Entrepreneurs via immersion. I am pioneering this road for them, and I would like to help them to not go through the same pains that I am going through by providing them with the necessary support. My life has been transformed by SupporTED and I am now constantly thinking of how to scale this type of event to disruptive, Distributive Enterprise in general. I want to make the Disruptive Enterprise Starter Kit available to all - and we will have significant work done on this within a year. I'd be glad to share any of my resources with future Collaboratorium participants.
Further, we are currently developing a bootstrap funding mechanism for social enterprise by means of high-value production of machines - where we leverage our social capital and brand identity in marketing our goods. I would like to offer future participants first-priority access to this bootstrap funding mechanism. This program is under development, but anyone willing to co-conspire is invited to benefit from our brand as long as they are an open source project.
Regarding The Resource Guide for Creating the Most Kick Ass organization in the World as above - I think SupporTED is perhaps the most well-positioned entity for making such a resource available - thereby changing the world by improving enterprise. In order to have global impact, this resource should be Open Source - so that best practice and guidelines are available to everyone - and we reach the open source economic paradigm (an optimized, collaborative economy beyond scarcity mindsets) sooner rather than later. I would like to request that SupporTED shift in the direction of cultivating Distributive Enterprise ( (open blueprints for products and for the enterprise that makes those products) - which is one step beyond Open Source Enterprise (open blueprints for products) - which is in turn one step beyond the Open Business Model (open collaboration process where products themselves are typically proprietary).
How could we start a process of making SupporTED-like events available to other startup social enterprise development groups? It appears that social enterprise will be the key disruptive change agent in the future, so asking the question of scaling SupporTED-like processes is highly relevant to leadership for disruptive change. How do we create a viable mechanism whereby economic surplus in advanced civilization shifts more to helping the cultural disruptives and superheroes, particularly from the field of startup social enterprise - as opposed to supporting run-of-mill enterprise that does not make deep and lasting solutions? In my work with Open Source Ecology, I would like to create a support mechanism for future open source ecologists (distributive entrepreneurs) who go through our program.