Talk:3D Printer Design Evolution
CNC torch table concept design comments
- Will axis sag in the middle?
- If the traveling carriage is longer will it minimize rod bending?
- does it need an I-beam and some sort of way to hang from the beam?
- could Z-axis be programmed to adjust for minor sagging?
- protection for pulley belt
Spacer Idea
in order to insure equal spacing between the frame plates, perhaps a spacer could be placed near the bracket connections
can also be made to include a foot in order to lift the threads and nuts that face downward
foot_height = 0; width = 12; depth = 12; platethickness = 3.6; distance_from_corner = 5.1; spacerthickness = 3; radiusI = 3; radiusO = 6; $fn=20; difference() { union() { cube([(spacerthickness+distance_from_corner+depth),(spacerthickness+distance_from_corner+depth),width]); translate([radiusO+foot_height-spacerthickness,0,0]) cylinder(r=foot_height-spacerthickness,width); } translate([spacerthickness+distance_from_corner,spacerthickness,0]) cube([depth,platethickness,width+2]); translate([spacerthickness,spacerthickness+distance_from_corner,0]) cube([platethickness,depth,width+2]); translate([spacerthickness+platethickness+spacerthickness+radiusI,spacerthickness+platethickness+spacerthickness+radiusI,0]) minkowski() { cube([(spacerthickness+distance_from_corner+depth),(spacerthickness+distance_from_corner+depth),width+2]); cylinder(r=radiusI,h=width); } difference() { cube([radiusO,radiusO,width+2]); translate([radiusO,radiusO,0]) cylinder(r=radiusO,h=width+2); } } echo("Thinnest point =",sqrt(pow((distance_from_corner-platethickness),2)+pow((distance_from_corner-platethickness),2)));