Talk:CEB Press 5

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  • Migrating design into Sketchup for wide distribution via ubiquitous access

Hi there, I am working on trying to open the STEP files in openbrl. I see there are ruby plugins for sketchup, I guess there could be some import and export being done, any notes on that? Also is there any repo of the work so far? I have some other ideas about changing the hydraulics to a 3000 psi, and would like input on that. thanks, mike H4ck3rm1k3 22:58, 8 October 2012 (CEST)

I think I could migrate the design into sketchup piece by piece by walking the 3d files through Blender. Unfortunately I don't have a complete step file that I can import into Alibre design. (see my discussion Talk:CEB_Press about the step files) All of the assembly files seem to have parts missing or corrupt.

I think you can export to stl out of a cad program like Alibre or openbrl, import into Blender, export out of Blender as .dae, and then import into sketchup with the same part origin.+ Thanks, Rob

I found out that you can use the Simlab step importer for Sketchup to import step files into Sketchup.

(i.e. no need to redraw anything in Sketchup that already has a solidworks model)