Talk:MicroTrac Controller v17.10/Code
Code Examples
- uses arduino's pin 10 for software serial
- use capital letter for relay ON and lower case letter for OFF.
- transmit continuous stream of current switch settings
- shut down if stream times out
- remote box could request gps coordinates by sending a "?"
- onboard could resond "¿" when ready
- remote will pause stream, onboard will broadcast gps, then continue.
"The Arduino Mega has three additional serial ports: Serial1 on pins 19 (RX) and 18 (TX), Serial2 on pins 17 (RX) and 16 (TX), Serial3 on pins 15 (RX) and 14 (TX)."
xbee uses standard TX RX on arduino, GPS uses serial too will need 19 and 18
- gross bit rate = baud rate when using 1s and 0s
controller setup loop
- setup
- enter AT command mode
- print "+++"
- set network ID
- read EEPROM setting
- ATID0x909
- set destination address
- enter AT command mode
controller loops
- loop
- read pin for LF (left track forward)
- if HIGH
- add "A" to string
- otherwise add "a"
- if HIGH
- ...
- add timout time value "n" to string
- if n = 8
- n = 1
- else n ++;
- transmit string
- print to serial
- read pin for LF (left track forward)
- read all pins and define variables
- if all 8 variables are the same as last broadcast skip serial print and start loop again
- if a variable is different broadcast new state
xbee settingz
broadcast power could be lowered
IDs and Networks
- network number 0909
- controller number 9091
- Serial Upper 13A200
- Serial Lower 4105E70B
- onboard number 9092
- Serial Upper 13A200
- Serial Lower 4105E711
- Currently the response time over the radio is about 1 second.
- options to streamline xbee settings
- might be able to reduce the number or retries
- options to streamline xbee settings